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Hey all, and all the new patrons! I hope you all are enjoying December so far!

My next video will be on Youtube and I have started laying out the script for it! I will keep you guys updated on it and how it goes! For now I will show you the characters I have chosen to be in it! Namely, Shiki and Komachi! Who knew Komachi seceretly was Santa and Shiki her helper? Well someone gotta keep track of all the presents, and we all know how lazy Komachi is^^

And of course as I mentioned in my previous post, you my patrons on here from Tier 2 and up as a bonus will get an extra extended video of the youtube video that's gonna be uploaded! Let's hope for a White Christmas^^

Thank you all again for the support and I wish you a nice weekend!




sounds like a good news for me ☺️