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Hail Xanadoom!  It's time once again for a Doomcock Roundtable!  We shall gather Wednesday, May 19th at 6:30 pm Central to discuss...I don't know!  Why don't we open the floor for suggestions?  Please leave your suggestion for a suitable topic for discussion in the comments below, and I shall pick one (or if there's a clear consensus from you guys on one particular choice, why I'll pick that one)!  Also, this will be a good opportunity to get a number of you who have been asking for Discord invites onto the server, as a fresh invite will be included tomorrow when I post the invite here at least an hour before the Roundtable!

Everyone with get 2.5 minutes to express their view on the topic at hand, at which time Sabu will chime in, signalling time is up and it's time to move to our next Xanadoomeer!  Hope to see you guys there tomorrow!  (Also, there's a good chance tomorrow after the Roundtable I may stick around for a little late night lounge singing!)

Hail Xanadoom!  Leave topic suggestions below!



You pick, my Lord. I don't trust myself to pick a good topic. 😎 I wondered if you were on Discord. I'm on there too; mostly for "Wheel of Time" stuff. See you tomorrow evening!


Topic idea:. What is the future in the next 1-3 years for streaming platforms? What will you as the consumer do? (A response to the Warner sale by ATT, and the disgraceful numbers from Paramount- marquee show, STDs)


Topic idea: How about the merger of At&t and Discovery+ resulting in Warner Media being dissolved. Big changes happening at WB!


Only ideas I got now: How people are starting to fight back the woke in other things like prowrestling (Aew is very infamous for being woke and pro-censorship) Censorship going all out after the government removed online Censorship restrictions What else is killing our pop culture and entertainment besides woke (sleazy practices and monetization in video games like Blizzard monetizing the bejeebus out of Classic Burning Crusade)


Hmmm, well how about a discussion for favorite classic science fiction/fantasy show or movie and how it impacted you?


What about pop culture we are currently watching and enjoying. Or maybe IP we would love to be made into a movie without hollywood.


The Death of Warner Brothers -- and the Rise of JJ Abrams, Sith Lord. HOW CAN WE FIGHT BACK?!


3 Possible Topics: 1. Are exploitative approaches to franchises where studios rapidly expand programming franchise-healthy and even fun for fans? Think for example of the tsunami of webseries for the MCU, Star Wars and Kurtzman Trek 2. In June the Pentagon is due to deliver a report on UAPs (UFOs) to the Senate. In the meantime, as photographs and videos continue to be made public, a taskforce has been assigned to officially investigate these things and is encouraging pilots to come forward. Are these developments some sort of prelude for things to come or a non-event? 3. With filming progressing slowly but surely, what can the delayed but long-awaited 3rd season of The Orville do to win you over and what don't you want to see happen?


Topic of discussion: Release Harvey? Yay or Nay?


A new Batman Animated Series has been announced, with Jar Jar, Matt Reeves, and Bruce Timm collaborating. This will be a "reimagining" of the popular series. Is there any chance this won't be a woke mess, with a BLM Batman, and all the characters around him race and gender flipped?


Maybe a topic being that kevin smith's He man show is just as Clownfish reported a woke trash show.


Remakes! With all the endless possibilities of movies to pull from the imagination, are remakes EVER a good thing? Good and bad examples of one movie you grew up with that was remade. Here's hoping the doomentites and the future ruler of earth himself have fun at the fantastic roundtable.


For my part, I would like to discuss the happenings between AT&T and Discovery. To me, this topic, could not only hold far reaching implications for pop culture but our very way of life. The right of the people to choose what media listened to is one of our greatest freedoms and it is being put at risk. THIS NEEDS TO BE TALKED ABOUT !