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Hail Xanadoom!  Here' is your invite to the Xanadoom Room for a little late night drinking and singing before bed!  I will be arriving about 9:15 pm Central, and just a heads-up, I had a really rotten night last night and I'm exhausted, so not sure how long I'll last, but I'll try to be fun and entertain you guys while I'm there!

Love you all, and looking forward to spending time with you all!




Looking forward to it! Thanks for putting stuff like this together for us! Hail!


I'll will be there.. or at least I will try to be there :D


My Liege, I am sorry that you had a rotten night. You know I worry about you. One of the best things I have done for my insomnia is to get this little MP3 playing radio from Ebay and use a USB memory stick to play the sounds of falling rain and light thunder. :)


It’s not letting me get to anything....