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Hail Xanadoom!  I will be in Discord tonight at 10:30 pm Central to sing a song or two to Hecate's Daughter to help celebrate her birthday today!  She is finally of legal drinking age!  So come on by if you're around and help us celebrate!

I will post a fresh invite shortly beforehand!  Hope to see you there...and HAPPY BIRTHDAY HECATE'S DAUGHTER!!!



it may be 4:30 am by that time but its still 23 degrees and way to hot to sleep so I will be there


Is he a sweet Supervillain or what?🌹🥳🍷


Happy Birthday Hecate's Daughter!


May be there if not asleep or if I can't figure out how the flux capacitor thingamajig you call discord works in time. If I fail to show then Hecate's I hope we didn't blast your ears too bad with our rendition of happy birthday earlier to night in the members stream.


Happy birthday


Now I feel better that I'm not the ONLY one who got a year older today! :-)


Happy birthday Mike! Leo's rule!👍🌹🥳🍷🎉


Happy birthday y'all. I'll see ya in a half hour or so.💝


HA HA! Yes, we do! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Has it been a good one? :-)


happy birthday again but I can barely keep my eyes open. Need sleep. So many happy returns as the old saying goes Hecate's Daughter!


"She is finally of legal drinking age!" Hahaha.. pull the other leg, DC. Yes, I know what they say, but Hecate's Daughter is a mature woman, beyond the silliness of 21 year olds, both male and female. I remember well enough being a silly 21-year-old myself, although I turned 46 on the 3rd.


jacklumen, another Leo! My, but this family truly has its share of Leos. I hope that your day was a good one. I was a VERY mature 21, Kid. Yes. I remember, too🌹🥳


Happy Birthday Mike! Sorry we found out too late though, but glad we did in the end!