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Hail Xanadoom!  Here is the latest, a post on the WDW Magic Board echoing what my sources have been screaming at me for weeks!  Check out the latest rumors regarding how much trouble Disney is in, and what this may mean for the future!


Disney In Financial Flames | Fear & Loathing Rumored in the Magic Kingdom

A recent leak on the WDW Magic Board by a poster named pheneix echo rumors my sources have been screaming at me for the past several weeks, rumors that suggest Disney is in dire financial straits and big changes are coming. Here are the rumors from pheneix, along with some information from my sources regarding these matters. #disney #lucasfilm #bobiger Please support my quest to save pop culture by becoming a channel member! Here is the link to the join button! Please consider joining to get custom emojis, exclusive videos, and exclusive livestreams speaking directly to Doomcock! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeCJB88u93eq91U0rlJsW-A/join



Hail Overlord and thank you for another great video! Disney reports Q3 earnings today and it is expected they will see major declines across the board.


It's not a good economy. The implications of the beer bug are far reaching. Thousands upon thousands of people have lost their jobs and can't pay their bills, let alone afford a swanky vacay to Disney. Logically speaking, this is a plausible explanation for the paltry number of park visitors.


Very true BB (ne ne neeee ne neeeee)...I take no pleasure in this report. That said, it is hastening our victory in pop culture, but the cost is very high...


I have said in the Discord, that Disney would sell off their offshore assets first. I never thought they'd start with axing jobs in the U.S.


Great Job D!


Schadenfreude! Suffer Disney! Get woke, go broke! Were it not for Disney ownership of the Marvel Cinematic Universe,I would be perfectly content with tearing down the magic kingdom and selling the land piecemeal to build condominiums.

Kenneth Crips

Disney will center on US workers because this is were they can cut out most of their labor costs.