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Hail all!  There are a few noteworthy things going on in our community here in Xanadoom, so I just wanted to mention them all here and now...please leave a little message in the comments for the folks I'm about to mention if you would, they could all use your support!

Firstly, our fellow Legionnaire Cardinal Sin had surgery on Monday for his leg, which he very badly broke in multiple places trying to install an A/C unit...apparently the A/C unit, aided by gravity, won the encounter, and so if you would, please join me in wishing Cardinal Sin a speedy recovery and send him all the good wishes and healing vibes you can!  HAIL CARDINAL SIN!

Secondly, we have a number of birthdays to celebrate!  Sandra Feliciano had her birthday earlier this month (and so I say again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SANDRA), Casey Osowsky had his birthday yesterday (CONGRATS ON FINALLY BEING OF LEGAL DRINKING AGE CASEY YOU OUTLAW YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CASEY), it was Lori Wilson's birthday on the 13th (HAPPY BIRTHDAY LORI AND THANK YOU FOR BEING SO AWESOME) and finally it is Bionic Bellybutton's birthday TODAY (HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIONIC BELLYBUTTON NE NE NEEEEE NE NEEEEEE)!  Please join me in wishing Sandra, Casey, and Bionic all very happy birthdays!  We love you guys!

I would also add that our own Captain Trek is going through a VERY hard time right this minute, so if you see him around on Discord, or just want to send a message of encouragement in the comments below or in a DM, that would be lovely.  Thank you all, you are truly awesome people.

And finally, to so many others here who are suffering and going through various trials and tribulations (you know who you are), know that you continue to be in my thoughts, and I continue hoping for the best for all of you.  PLEASE KEEP ME UPDATED ON HOW YOU'RE DOING OKAY?  I know times are hard, but we're all in this TOGETHER!

Hang in folks, stay safe, and STAY ANGRY!



It was nice to see Harvey Cthulu make a cameo appearance on Midnight's Edge along with you, my leige. I was behind in watching those videos, lol!


Sorry about your ankle Cardinal Sin, get well soon. Happy birthday to all concerned and everyone else stay good and stay safe.


Unfortunately still looking for work. Between Corona, Riots and Over Unemployment jobs are hard to find even in fast food.


Heal fast Cardinal Sin. Many happy birthdays to those who’ve had them recently.

Royce Walker

Hail Cardinal Sin! Many Happy Birthdays to Sandra, Bionic, and Casey!


How about going with something like Stay Engaged instead of Stay Angry? There's too much anger in the world today. It eats you up inside. It did with me for many years.


Cardinal Sin get well soon! That sounds terrible! Happy Birthday to Sandra Feliciano, Casey Osowsky and Bionic Belly I hope your birthdays are filled with friends, fun and of course presents! Captain Trek keep your chin up, I hope things turn around for you soon! Cheers! ---Kelvington


Fucking gravity, beat on your surgery Cardinal Sin.


Sandra, Casey, and Bionic happy birthday! 🎉🎈 Cardinal Sin I’m so sorry my brother you had to go through that with the leg 😣! My sympathies and rooting for speedy recovery! Captain Trek hang in there brother! This has been a trying and horrible 2020 so far. The only good news on my end is I was promoted to Lieutenant, even though everyone hates the cops now more than ever. 😫 love all of you and thanks to Lord Doomcock for always being there for us and fighting the good fight! 👊🏻


Heal well, Cardinal Sin! Now that you are past the surgery, hopefully everything will be less painful. Time to binge your favorite shows or movies while your leg mends!! Happy Birthday, Sandra, Bionic, and Casey! Blindfolds on and try to pin the tail on the Doomicorn! To Captain Trek, and everyone else going through hard times right now, remember Samwise Gamgee's speech from the Two Towers: Frodo : I can't do this, Sam. Sam : I know. It's all wrong By rights we shouldn't even be here. But we are. It's like in the great stories Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were, and sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy. How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad happened. But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn’t. Because they were holding on to something. Frodo : What are we holding on to, Sam? Sam : That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it’s worth fighting for. Stay Angry!! and fight on, even if it is an uphill battle! We are are Doomcock's Legion!


It's peoples name day's? Well hot damn Happy Name day to ya! Sandra, Casey and Bionic Bellybutton! Sucks about your ankle Cardinal Sin, hope it heals properly for you so you can get your vengeance on that AC unit. I don't know what's been going on with Captain Trek but hey man, here's hoping you're able to come back with a VENGEANCE!!! And with some good spirits too, hope all goes well for you.


Hail Cardinal Sin. I hope you heal quickly and completely BB, Lori, and Casey, happy birthday! Darth Supremacy, I hope you find work soon! Capt Trek, I hope things work out well. Doomcock, thank you for being so concerned an caring about the people who follow you. You're the sweetest evil overlord we could ask for


Oh wow, I had no idea Cardinal Sin had been injured so badly. Best wishes on a speedy recovery my friend! It will take more than an AC to put you on ice! Happy Birthday to Bionic Bellybutton! Hope you get an A+ for your birthday! Looking forward to when you can rejoin us on Fridays! I hope Sandra too has a great birthday with all the cake they can eat (but not enough to throw up, funfetti isn't as fun in reverse). And last but not least, happy birthday to Casey. Now you can really put that flask to work for you! And you picked a good year to be able to start drinking (legally)! Call it fate's birthday present? Hail Doomcock! Hail all!


Also, Happy Birthday LORI WILSON from the 13th. 🎂 Sandra, Casey, BB 💖 Cardinal Sin! We are thinking of you! Sometimes crap comes in waves, and you can't seem to stay away from the Barnum & Bailey Hospital lately. 🙁 Hope you are recovering well & on many meds. Captain Trek - and anyone else having a rough time - best wishes to you to overcome that which tries to bring you down. Like the song goes, "I will surveeve." 😊


Indeed! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LORI WILSON! Sorry I initially failed to mention that in this recap, though I am very glad I was able to give Lori a shout out on FNF for her birthday! THANK YOU LORI! YOU ARE AWESOME!!! <3

Tee SToney

Prayers and good wishes to all going through rough stuff. Awesomeness to those doing cool stuff. Me, I've spent the COVID shutdown covering the trevails of local business on the newspaper side. On the radio side, I've just returned to the studio, after enduring most of the shutdown on paid furlough. And on the school side, I've switched programs and will be studying aviation. By the end of this year, I will have a pilot's license. My family and friends are good, I've adopted a new cat and am county my blessings.


I'm so sorry Darth Supremacy. Hang in my friend. Things will improve, just hold on brother...


Healing light and energy for Cardinal Sin


Prayers and Positive Energy for you Cardinal Sin! Like the Tick said... "Gravity is a HARSH MISTRESS!" Happy Birthday Sandra, Lori, Casey, and Bionic Bellybutton!! Captain Trek my favorite line from certain movie Doomcock may recognize... "I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU PUT IN MY WAY I'M NOT GIVING UP!!"


A very happy birthday to Lori, Casey, and Sandra! And thank you all so much for the well wishes. This has been one of the best birthdays ever and it's because of all of you! Cardinal Sin I am so sorry you lost your battle with the A/C unit! Maybe we can ask Doomcock to dispatch a 🤖 to take revenge? Rest and relax and frolic with us...from a comfortable position. Captain Trek, just know that we are here for you. Lean on us when you can't stand on your own. We'll be here. Please let me know what I can do to help! Thank you Doomcock for making such a wonderful post, and for thinking of all of us.


thank you Bionic Bellybutton and happy birthday


thank you, there is a LOT going on and things have gotten more complicated


I wrote Doomcock never expecting him to mention anything or that anyone would say anything, thank you


Happy birthday to you all! June is the best birthday month! As a kid, it meant I got presents halfway to Christmas every year! ;-)


Happy Birthday Sandra, Casey, and Bionic Bellybutton! Get well soon Cardinal Sin


Saint Doomcock


Happy Birthday to Sandra, Casey, Lori and Bionic Bellybutton, get well soon Cardinal Sin and hang in there Captain Trek. Best wishes to everyone. :}


Cardinal Sin, that sounds just terrible. Sorry you got injured so seriously. Get well soon! Happy birthday, Lori Wilson, Sandra Feliciano, Casey Osowsky and Bionic Bellybutton! Darth Supremacy, hope you find work ASAP! DarthBane, congratulations on your promotion! Captain Trek, sorry that you're having to go through difficulty that's only gotten more complicated as I understand it. Please let us know if we can help you. I hope you'll travel out of these "Badlands" safely at full impulse sooner than later


thank you the only way I could be helped is being able to leave the US. Our healthcare system is crap


Hey all, best wishes and speedy recovery to all. We've got a great community here.


Thank you, Sweetie. Before I read this, I was having what might be called an extreme anxiety attack. Still not quite gone. Now on my way to the Youtube members get-together. I know that being with all of the family you have created will help.🌹😘💕


Hail Cardial Sin, wishing you well and for a good recovery. Happy birthday to all who celebrated another year down. Stay safe all, it's always darkest before the dawn. Captain Trek , hail , wishing you well and better times to come.


Hail! Cardinal Sin, I hope things went well. Hail! Captain Trek, I hope things improve for you soon. Hail! Congratulations! And a happy belated birthday to Sandra Feliciano. My apologies to you all for my tardy, but no less sincere, well wishes.


Hail to all of you, birthday wishes to those celebrating and best wishes to Cardinal Sin and Captain Trek. Thank you Doomcock, you and Gary have been a Godsend. I too have been feeling it. Dark times indeed. BTW if anyone is feeling isolated and fancies a chat, hit me up, always happy to chat. Stay safe.