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Dear Xanadoom,

One of the original ideas for this Grand Experiment known as Xanadoom was to kind of do journal entries about my status and so on, and I think I'm going to bring that back now.  It seems a perfect time, doesn't it?

So...the isolation continues as the media tells us everything is going to hell.  No one really knows what to think anymore, but from my perspective, here's my practical price of peas in Peoria take on things: life is kind of ranging from hard right now to extremely hard.  I am carrying on, but everything is a great effort at the moment.  I still manage to get videos out, do  livestreams on schedule, but...under these kinds of circumstances, unprecedented really in our lifetimes, we are assailed on all sides by worry.  Worries about our health, worries about the health of our friends and loved ones (of which I count all of you), worries about the economy, governmental overreach, asteroids, the supervolcano, UFO abductions, and if Bigfoot is secretly taking poops in my yard.  I suspect he is, cause raccoons don't get that big, do they?  And if they do...God help us...

In short, the constant oppression on all sides coupled with isolation and stress is impacting everyone at some level.  How could it not?  I tell you that, as tough as I am, and as accustomed to solitude and separation as I am (for I am naturally solitary), in a sense knowing I CAN'T go out, not because of any BS law which I wouldn't really give a damn about, but because there's nowhere to GO and even if there was it would be truly ill-advised, it kind of makes even a solitary man feel a bit like a prisoner.  And I PREFER this!  So I can only imagine that, feeling impacted as I am, it feels ten times worse for those of you who actually enjoy being in crowds! 

And that's why I'm writing this to you, not to complain or whine, but to let you know again that if you're feeling any of these things, you're NOT ALONE.  That's the main thing...to know you're not alone.  That what you're feeling is normal.  It is not weak, it is normal...and if even the Future Ruler of Earth is feeling impacted by this, that should let you know that you're not alone.  Upset, stressed, perhaps blue...but you're not alone.

I apologize if over the next month or so the things I bring you are a little irregular.  I'm finding it hard to sleep and hard to focus.  My wits remain unimpaired, but my energy level has been impacted, and even fixing lunch feels like a slog through mud these days.  I'm scattered, behind as always regarding emails and messages.  More ideas than I have time or energy to implement, though thankfully my sense of humor remains vital and intact.  In fact, oddly enough, I'm starting another channel centered around my NPR Doomcock kind of character, because I think that doing that kind of humor, along with genuinely relaxing ASMR type stuff, literary readings, and philosophical discussions, may be very helpful for people.  It's going to be a rather eclectic and original channel, and I think in its way it may help people even more than what I typically do.  At any rate, I need an outlet at this moment to talk about philosophy and literature, and get some inspirational messages out into the world...along with some really wicked and sly humor mocking that entire genre at the same time I'm exploring it (and please don't be concerned...my channel and Patreon are my highest priority, and this channel is comparatively very simple to put together, and in doing this I'm hoping to kind of do self-therapy in a sense, I think in getting some of this more introspective stuff out into the world it'll free some blockages and help me be a better Doomcock...plus imagine how it will CONFOUND my enemies to see this other side of the man they call a "hater racist sexist"...ah, what fucking fools they will realize they've been!)  Not sure when this channel will get created, I've got some stuff ready to go, although again, implementing anything these days is a struggle as I fight through this constant sense of oppression...but that's the message I'm trying to convey to you all: keep fighting.

Keep fighting through these oppressive times.  Fight through the worry, the fear, the depression, the uncertainty.  One of your anchors is right here: Xanadoom.  Know you're not alone.  Know you matter to a lot of people.  Know that fear is the Mind Killer.  Know that when you're here, consolation is only a post away, a message, a DM...and know that all of this shall pass.  I'm here for you, and I'm making it my responsibility to post these messages every day or so.  It's a great place for you guys to post replies, and start conversations with each other.

And finally, please don't worry about me.  I'm fine.  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't impacted, but I am fine.  I don't like to complain, I naturally clam up and back away from people when I'm suffering, but I also wouldn't like to carry on like I"m not impacted, making those who are impacted feel worse and more alone.  Believe me, you're not.  Even the Future Ruler of Earth is struggling...but I am strong and I will be fine.   (Even HARVEY is impacted...he's depressed that the world will end and he won't get to stomp any buildings...poor kid...I've promised him in the event of apocalypse I WILL push the button...though if a little green bastard in a wife beater and a fez winds up on your couch demanding pizza and beer, check the weather...it may be partly cloudy with a chance of volcano in the evening!)  So yeah...part of me wants to just delete this whole post because I hate to complain...but dammit, I think this may help some of you, so I won't...but honestly, PLEASE don't worry about me okay?  I'm just trying to make the point by discussing a little of what I'm going through that it's normal to be impacted, and that we'll get through this together.  If anything, for the duration of this madness, all I ask for from you is forgiveness if some deliverables are late.  I'm scattered and so being disciplined and methodical has kind of gone out the proverbial window.  I'm also struggling with Legionnaire packages, since going to the post office is risky.  I think I'll just use stamps and overpay for shipping, so I don't have to stand in line and contract the zombie plague.  At any rate, because I'm very off-balance, in some ways I'll probably be more responsive, in other ways less...but I promise I'll keep trying.  

Hang in folks.  Here in Xanadoom, you're in the best company.  Love you guys.  Stay healthy...and stay angry! 



This too shall pass......


Brother, I am also a socialized hermit. I prefer being alone. Yet I must have interaction with people sometimes as well. I know where you're at in this time of isolation. Fortunately or unfortunately 😂 I am hosting a family that has lost their ability to make a living selling hand carved signs at fairs so if I want quiet time I have to go to my room. In my room, in my room ooh ooh ooh! If you need a brother to chat with. I am here. Just let me know and I'll send you my contact info 😊


These are trying times but perhaps once we are through them and can put everything in our lives that actually matter into perspective your (and our) shared common goal will be that much closer to reality. I doubt SJWs, third wave feminists and others of their societal ilk will so readily be granted platforms after this. No one cares about them now and later nobody will have any patience for their bullshit. Stay healthy, stay angry, keep Sabu in peanuts and don’t trip over the button Doomcock. WE NEED YOU!


There is a lot of love here for each other and for you Doomcock. We must look after and out for all here just as much as our family and friends in this time of uncertainty, I agree that the best we can do is reach out and talk to one another. Love to all here in Xanadoom. 💜


This was very nice to read; thank you. 😊 I'm a hermit, too, and I'm actually not feeling imprisoned at all. But I do worry about my dad, who is used to going to work every day for the past 50 yrs, and would do it even if he was bleeding from the eyes! And due to his age, I'm concerned about the virus. (He still listens to you and your streams w/ Gary every time you're on and naps w/ his Harvey blanket every day. 😊) Despite things being fairly normal for me, I've been having extra trouble sleeping lately, too, due to nerve pain stuff. But I generally keep that to myself, cos it does no good to voice it anyway, and I don't like to sound like I'm looking for sympathy. But you're not alone in your insomnia either. I'm glad you're doing ok and that we can all be here for each other. The coming of an NPR Doomcock channel has me so excited, I can't stand it! 🥬🥬🤣 Lurve you, Doomcock! And my special peeps here, too. I'm up all night long these days, so if anyone wants to talk, I'm right here. 🥰💗


Soldier on Future ruler of Earth. We need MORE of you now, not less. I see the online access trying to throttle you and we need more of what you bring than ever.


You are loved and respected. Everything you do is appreciated, so don’t stress if things don’t fall into place easily. Take one day at a time, if necessary one hour at a time. We are here for you as well as each other. Let us be strong for you. I’m here if you need me


Thankyou for sharing this my Liege. I am an introvert too, but staying home because you like to and staying home because you have to is another deal entirely especially when coupled with fear and anxiety and worry for everyone. You have created a wonderful caring community here and we must all support each other in these tough times. I like the idea of your NPR Doomcock and philosophy channel but please don’t overstretch yourself or put yourself at risk by going out. We all care about you. Love to you and all of Xanadoom. 🌹


You may be exhausting yourself, Doomcock. Either physically, emotionally, or both. Please take care.


Take care of yourself m'Lord and everyone here. Might I suggest a little meditation or prayer or whatever is right for you. 10 minutes a day, if you can, just sit with some peaceful music in the background (for my husband that is Metallica ~ Oi vey!) and remember that you are cared for and loved and everything is going to be okay. We will all get through this and hopefully get back to our lives soon. Big hugs, DC and the entire Xanadoom. All of you are in my thoughts daily and I'm here for anyone (even Harvey) that just needs to talk all you have to do is reach out. ♥


I am very, very watchful of The Button Chris, Mitch and pals, and I stay away from it when liquored up! Never fear, I'm good...but I just wanted to share with you guys. You're not alone folks. You really aren't!


What a truly lovely message. Thank you so much Purple Lady, I feel very supported and less alone :)


This is an answer to a prayer. I love you and Harvey you both helped me laugh at one of the biggest disappointments of my life Disney Star Wars .I have always been interested on you thoughts about life , God ,why are we here and how much power we really do have . I have always loved Allen Watts and Ram Dass I just discovered Neville Goddard so His teachings are keeping my mind busy during my lock down.


Hail Lord! We are all here for you regardless of what happens! This is a great community and during my time here I have seen many acts of kindness among its members! Hopefully we can get back to normalcy soon, but get some rest and take care!


The real reason I decided to join up was your personality. Even if you don't become the ruler of Earth, I could not imagine anyone more sensitive or caring. You can tell, the way you treat your wrenches and the folks that join you in your chats. In our lifetime, just a very few have ever seen something like this, although the flu virus is just as contagious, and it is affecting everyone. I am out in the field servicing and installing new MRI systems, and would much rather be home. Being an "Essential" is not a walk in the park. Food is waiting in line at a take out joint, or waiting curbside for food, but I'm glad those folks still have jobs. In the hotel I'm staying there are 2 guests. Me and someone on the 3rd floor. No breakfasts, just some coffee. It is errie to live on the road now, cause there is mostly no place to go. I do my paperwork and listen to music . Thank god for my Bose Soundlink Mini. Love that thing and Pandora, which I pay for because I can't stand commercials. Your words of encouragement are like life blood for many of us out here. Know that your kindness shines through, know that your laughter is bright to all, and that your critiques of today's entertainment is critical for when the fog is lifted and life grinds back up to full throttle. Your sensitivity shines through, and the second channel will be a god-send you know. So, never doubt yourself, never wonder what the heck I'm doing sort of thing, because you provide for many people in ways that they need and you are a keystone of support to us all. All silliness aside, we see that you are a person who uplifts and entertains and have a great singing voice. So, my liege, hold your flag high, sing to the throng and keep on being you. We are truly in this together. Your MRI servant, Harry. And if your MRI breaks, please call me. Free, of course. :-)


Thank you. Just thank you


I am so excited to hear about your new channel. It will be a delight to hear your voice NPR style, and revel in more facets of your mind. It is very big of you to admit that you are struggling. You are truly brave. Thank you for showing us your vulnerable side.


Thanks for doing this post. You're a voice of reason in a slightly mad world. I'm very much looking forward to your new channel. Please make sure you do an announcement here so we don't miss it's launch.


Hail doomcock and all inhabitants of xanadoom! This is why I support doomcock. I hope everyone is safe and doing okay!


Thank you for this message Doomcock, I appreciate everything you've been doing lately and support you (And any rest you feel the need to take) 110% of the way. As "He Who Holds The Line" I shall not budge an inch when the world comes upon me, so be at ease sir! For we shall stand strong and stand together!


As I live in an apartment building specifically for the disabled and/or elderly, I have been a hermit for about 10 of the 12 years I have lived here. I much prefer the comfort of my books, music, and movies, to that of gossiping old ladies. There is a young man of my son's age, who has Aspergers, and shares my love of science fiction. I adore him, and we frequently exchange movies. However, my county and town are NOT taking the stay-at-home order seriously. I have a note on my door that basically says "Hello, tells them why they cannot enter, and finishes with Goodbye." I can't begin to describe how much you mean to me, my Liege. You have brought comfort to an uncomfortable life. After years of silence, I enjoy singing again. Your NPR voice with literature, philosophy, and perhaps a bit of poetry, will feed my soul. I have't the words anymore, to thank you enough for all that you have done. You are well loved.💕🌹🌹🌹


Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. I read thru the comments that the others have written and would like to echo their sentiments. I find it strange that you have become such an important in my life in so short of a time. Please know that your solitude would be threatened if I lived anywhere near you as I would actively seek you out as a friend. Although I haven't really had a chance to get to know anyone in Zanadoom/The Chat yet I get the feeling that there are many others out there who regard you with the same level of friendship and dare I say love. You are an amazing person. Please take care of yourself. Be careful to not overextend yourself. There is only so much that any one person can do, even if he is the future ruler of earth!


Please add the word "person" to the appropriate sentence above. lol


Thank you for sharing this Lord Doomcock! It really hit home for me. Being disabled, I too have been pretty isolated for a few years now. It’s not a good thing and you really HAVE to interact with others even if you don’t want to. The mind will slip away without you even realizing it. Affects are different for all of us and we have a hard time seeing it ourselves. You’re right about the fact that you’re not able to get up and go somewhere, it makes the idea of being solitary turn into forced isolation. Which is in fact prison... Take that along with the fact that everyone else is struggling with their isolation and they don’t handle it well, causing friction with almost everyone you encounter, even family members and friends. This is a very crazy time, but I hope others will at least have an idea of what being isolated does to an individual, and they will be able to relate to and empathize with us people who have been forced to be this way for far longer. Opening up a new perspective on many aspects of life and how fragile everyone and everything really is... I do feel a little ahead of the curve, but like you said sir, it’s still affecting even someone who’s been used to this type of lifestyle. I hope this ends soon as possible and people grow closer from a shared traumatic experience. Hope is the key word there... I have to say that the community you have built is wonderful, and seemingly the usual suspects are all kind of similar people, which probably could be studied as a social experiment of people that flock together. I just see a lot of people who I can relate to and share with. I know I have appreciated having found you last year when I was struggling with my injury and disability, you have helped me in so many ways find a path to a better state of mind. Helping me understand that I’m not alone in my pain and struggles. Giving me a beacon. Thank you again sir, for all that you do for us as well as our common interests, fighting back against the ruination of our culture and art. Building up a community of solid people with whom to share our struggles. For opening up to the world and making us feel like we can do the same! Thank you to all the community members for making it all come together so well! Even though I have family and children who I love more than life itself, my kids are teenagers who are growing up fast and they have to live their lives too. My friends and family are fading away from me more and more as my life has had to change. It’s sad, but I do not harbor any ill will. I have to look at it as new chapter in my life, one that can be lived as well as it can be. It’s not easy to adjust, but it’s something that I have had to do and will continue to do for some time. I just know we can’t be completely alone, it’s not healthy at all. We’re not alone! Not here! I genuinely feel like part of a family in this community, like I belong...which feels great! Stay safe everyone and as always...stay strong!


Thank you Sandra, you're very kind...you and Raymond both! Please, as I said, I posted this not to complain and certainly not to have anyone worry about me, but just to let people know that it's okay to be feeling these things at this time. It's normal (well, at least it's not weird...of course, since this is coming from a masked supervillain, well...your mileage may vary...!) ;)


Well I'm gonna keep on working on it Michael, never fear! Problem is, f**king YouTube really puts you in a cage, so you can't just do a video about anything you want...well you can, but then the algorithm just let's it lie there and die with no views...then it looks at you and says, huh, what a loser, and then stops recommending your videos because you got bad views because it didn't recommend your video. Catch-22! ARRGH! So it squelches originality, it stifles spontaneity, and it just puts you into a straightjacket. Very frustrating...


Thank you Nerdgirl! Don't worry, in addition to being an evil megalomaniac, I'm a germ-a-phobe under the best of circumstances, so when i go out, I assemble as much of a hazmat suit as possible lol!


Yeah I know Jon...I'm trying to find balance, so don't worry...I'm fine sir!


I agree...I need to start meditating. I need to get back to some kind of regular practice of that kind, that's a great idea! I'm just kind of off-balance right now, but that's not unusual, which is why I chose to share this with you guys!


That's good to hear Lori...I'm going to work on it once I get a little more caught up around here...I need to get you guys a new Star Trek commentary, and a new movie commentary, but once I do that, time to work on the new channel! It'll be awesome to talk about Alan Watts, Ram Dass, and the Tao! Please stay safe and sane Lori! Let me know if you need anything!


Harry, man, thank you so much. You really made me smile my friend. I appreciate the encouragement and your incredible support. Thank you so much.


You're welcome Joe. Thank you for being here with us my friend. Appreciate you. Don't forget to reach out here if you need anything!


I'm glad you're excited about my new channel! It's on the drawing board, I'm starting to write for it, and I think it has either a lot of potential, or none at all LOL! But the nice part about it is, I don't actually need it to succeed, so I can do whatever the f**k I want! Which is part of the attraction for me. As for showing my vulnerable side...ACK! I didn't mean to do THAT...I was just trying to be honest so that anyone feeling the same would feel a little better, BUT...that said, I really don't want anyone worrying about me dammit! Really, I'd be embarrassed if anyone did, given how much worse so many people have it. I really don't like to complain, but sometimes like now, I just think it's important to let people who are suffering know that they're not alone. But really, I'm on the high end of relative okay, and my heart reaches out to people right now who are struggling SO much harder than I am...


Oh absolutely, I will definitely post the link here once it's ready! Hail Christopher!


I am SO GLAD that you're taking care of yourself and staying inside Hecate's Daughter! Thank you for staying in, for the note on your door, for singing again, and for being you my dear. Love you sweetie! We'll get through this together! <3


Hail Lawrence...see everyone? This is why absolutely no one should worry about me or feel sorry for me, not when I have this much kindness and love in Xanadoom. I think sometimes I'm the luckiest guy in the world...certainly the luckiest supervillain!


Cory my friend, you are definitely part of the family here. You belong and you are absolutely welcome. And you're right, this is a great wake up call for people to appreciate all the things we normally take for granted. By God I would love to go out and get a good meal and a drink...but these days, it's kind of like every day just merges into another. Time is passing in a weird dreamlike way. It's not pleasant. I'm trying hard to stay busy, but you know, it's really a slog to get anything done. It's really hard, you know? When every day is like a dream? A sense of...if not futility, but lethargy sets in...even so, I have like three videos written lol, so I guess I'm still functioning! :D


That wasn't Bigfoot... At least, that's what he told me.


Hail my lord ! Thank you for sharing , I’m a bit down now it’s Passover for us 🥳 and I’m separated from my family 😞, but I do have my lovely Lila the dog for which I truly grateful , and I can hear singing from the neighbors that’s nice ☺️ guess I’ll go to bed early , tomorrow I plan on watching some of your dvd commentary ! 🤘 All the best for all of us ! 🙏


Hail great one . Just as you are here for us we are here for you . We appreciate you and we demand nothing from you other than that which you are comfortably able to provide . And even then it’s not a demand . Thank you for all the fun and frolics they are a help to so many in these dark times . I always listen and don’t always join in the chat but I am always there enjoying the laughs the songs and all the frolics with Harvey , Hank ,Doom Squirrel , Columbo and so much more . Bless you and may God keep you safe .


HAIL DOOMCOCK!!! You're a beacon in the darkness!! Love ya!!! :D


Well said my liege, thank you for you heartfelt words, as always you know the right words to lift us all, thank you sir.

John Cipolla

Hail doom. Yes I finally pulled the trigger. Your channel is the first one I supported through patron