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Hail Xanadoom!  It's time once again for the little private party/talent show I call the Dick Doomcock Power Hour!  You just have to click on this here invite to be transported to the Great Hall of Xanadoom at the Center of the Earth to participate in the fun!

As usual, this party is not recorded, it's just for us to goof off in, and everyone gets 3.5 minutes to do whatever they want - sing, rant, read a poem, ask a question, whatever!  There are a few rules to ensure that everyone has a good time:

Do not speak over other people!  When it's not your turn, mute your mic, or I will mute it for you, as it gets very distracting to hear background noise when others are trying to speak!

Be ready when your turn comes, and do not go over your 3.5 minutes.  If you do Sabu will sound and I will have to cut you off, which I hate doing, but we have lots of folks show up for this waiting for their turn, and I must out of fairness to them!

These are hard times for a lot of people who are suffering, and it's important to me that everyone feels welcome and included.  So everyone needs to be kind to each other while under my roof.

If you arrive more than 30 minutes late, you'll be given a minute when your turn comes, after everyone who showed up on time!

Okay guys, looking forward to seeing you all!  Here's the invite!


See you there!



Can I get a new invite for the Discord?