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Hail all!  I apologize for the slight delay, but circumstances force me to start at 2:00 pm today instead of 1:00!  That said, onward to the Roundtable!

The topic today will be Star Wars rumors: what you think of them, which ones you believe, predictions for the movie: basically, whatever you want to discuss regarding Star Wars!  This will be recorded, and here are the rules of engagement: 

Everyone gets 3-5 minutes, depending on crowd size (when you hear Sabu, your time is up!)

No talking while others are talking, mute your mic when you're not talking

Be ready when your time comes or you may lose your turn

If you are over an hour late, you will be given one minute to speak

Have fun!

Here's the invite: https://discord.gg/Wr9fmf

Hope to see you at 2:00!



Looking forward to it, but I’ll have to step out after the first half hour.


Bummer...I’ll be at work 😔


I'll try and make it, oh dark Overlord! 😁👍


Might be Late due to kids dental but should be there about 30 min in


Would love to be there, got a job interview at that time though

Red alert

I don’t know what I might’ve able to add


Well phooey. I will be at work. :(

Red alert

Very well


Haha, I love Sabu being the "time's up" buzzer. 😂 🐿️


Sorry could join in today had a family emergency, but I’ll be there for the power hour tomorrow. Have something special for everyone


This wasn't here when I needed to get in. How strange that I got in anyway.🤷‍♀️🌹


Me seeing this the next day: NOOO. It's not true! It's Impossible!