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This is no big deal or anything, but today I feel like I'm trying to get sick. Sore throat, a tad achey...not feeling good at all. Taking vitamins, tea, rest. All I've done today that's productive is put together Legionnaire packets, which ship tomorrow.

Oddly, it hasn't been an awful day. Funny how feeling bad forces you to slow down, and I have been able to watch a little football, doze, and not feel guilty about it ha ha. Hope I feel better tomorrow tho...fingers crossed.

Anyway, this next round of packages ships tomorrow! That's the good news! 😊



Way to take a Day Doomcock

Red alert

Hope you get better and to lift your spirits I watched the menagerie parts 1&2 and absolutely loved them good Trek is living in us all


Get well soon. Happy TG DC.


Feel Better Overlord!

Mikey Bohmer

Take it easy, mate, just look after yourself.


You've been really busy,take a few days to chill. Feel better soon my liege.


So sorry you're not feeling well my Liege. Have a good rest, wind down and don't worry. Best wishes.


Best to take it easy while you’re able, there is final push coming before TROS. We need our fearless leader healthy. Thanks for the update on your condition, good thoughts coming your way.


Hope you feel better. Does this mean Harvey is in charge? Delegation of authority and all that.


Hope you feel better soon.

Dustin Rogers

Rest up man we all need rest


I’m hoping the stress you’ve been facing regarding YouTube and managing a growing channel hasn’t exacerbated your sickness. Take care of yourself! :)


Feel better soon sir!! Take all the rest you need M'Lord. We'll be here no matter what! HAIL!


Feel better soon! Try adding zinc and vitamin C. And for goodness sake, get some rest!


Get well soon! rest up.....world domination planning can take it out of you, so need some rest days :D


Boooo to The Contagion™. Hope you feel better soon. 😊


Feel better soon! I've often found myself in the same situation: after I've been busy, when I finally get a break, that always seems to be when I come down with some minor ailment. It's as if the body has its way of telling you that you need to take the opportunity to get a rest.


May I suggest some Romulan Ale and honey with a squeeze of lemon juice


Get well soon Doomcock, my friend 😊👍


Even gods need rest sometimes good sir. Recover well.


Take proper care of thyself, my Lord. Thou hast a bad habit of making thy care the least of thy concerns. Those who love thee wouldst rather thou took time to become better, than be incautious of thy health.🌹


Lots of liquids, Tylenol, EmergenC. Rest, above all. You’ve probably been stressed and tired, your immunity low. Feel better soon!


Harvey and the Sabu have been busy...we can't let them undermine our plans my lord! We're so close to world domination it's palpable! Kick this things ass and lead us to glory!


Feel better Boss!! Even the Future Ruler of Earth needs some down time every now and then. I like tea with real honey, real ginger and real lemon - not those prefabricated bags. Works wonders for me My Liege!!


Get some rest, you deserve a day or two here and there. If you are not feeling up to going to the post office tomorrow, then don't. I'm sure I speak for everyone expecting a packet that we would much rather you take care of yourself first. Feel better soon, M'Lord! ♥ ☺


Sorry to hear you got whacked with another virus! Sucks! REST and hydrate! Hoping you feel better soon, my liege!


You need some warm burgoo ala Master and Commander!! And https://youtu.be/9IxDhItxiSY


feel better. Take your vitamins and get some rest.


Heal yourself... and come back.


So... you're saying that you felt sick, so you decided to put your hands all over packages you're sending out to your friends so that they (and the US Postal Service) can share your germs with you? How villainous indeed!


Get well soon boss! We will hold down the fort.


My Liege... have some peppermint tea, with lemon, honey, and a shot of whiskey (or rum). Then off to bed with you. Hope you feel better soon.


Glorious. This is EXACTLY why Lord Doomcock is the ULTIMATE super-villain. :D


Be well Lord!!!


Hail Doomcock!!!


Hope u feel better soon!


Get some rest and keep hydrated I hope you feel better soon.


Do what you need to do so you feel better


Perhaps it's because of all the gum you've been licking off all those envelopes my liege. I did hear once that a postal worker supposedly went into anaphylactic toxic shock from licking envelopes, or stamps...something with gum. Whether that's the reason why they now use those wet spongey things or it happened because they didn't use theirs, I have no idea. I'm sure you'll be fine though. :-)


Rest and feel better my liege! Hopefully your team played well! Look forward to post day!


I hope you feel better soon. I recommend a hot whiskey toddy for the body, or a hot buttered rum. It won't cure a cold, but you won't care very much, either.


Honey, lemon juice, hot water... and a shot of rum. Take care, Milord. Whilst we will miss your dulcet tones, your health is more important.


Rest is an important part of taking over the world my liege! No need to feel guilty at all. Unless the Inquisition finds you to be so...


I hope you feel better, my liege. Have a restful and enjoyable Thanksgiving!!!


Get better soon. We need you to watch Harvey!


The Universe suggests you take a breather...tis all.


Suffer greatly! Remember that suffering and return it hundredfold upon the doomed heads of our doomed enemies!


Hope you are feeling much better today <3


Yours is the superior... (immune system) Lord Doomcock.


Get well soon friend. I"m sure we'll all do our best to be there.


Lots and lots of fluids


Hot hot tea with tons of honey & tons of lemon! And those zinc candy things! Don't feel guilty while down...it will make you be sick longer! Love your uploads Dictor, and nothing has me giggling as much as them! (My kids can tell you... I'll drop everything & rush to my TV "Sorry kiddos...TIME FOR CHURCH!") . Anyway, just wanted to tell you that for a long time. Pls feel better! 👍❤️😊(🤧😷🤕🤒)