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Hail all!  SO!  I stand now at 89,000 subscribers, and will likely hit 90,000 sometime tomorrow!  In light of this, I want to share some of my thoughts with you regarding the future, and the important role that Patreon and SubscribeStar will play in that future.

As you know, this COPPA bulls*** is sweeping over all of YouTube, providing YouTubers with a Faustian choice...to check or not to check the box that says you're kid's entertainment or NOT kid's entertainment.  If you are then YT limits your ads, which is fine, except do that falsely and they'll flag you, torpedo you, whatever.  If you aren't, then ads run as always, but then if the FTC DISAGREES you get hit with a $42,000 fine.  There are risks associated with EITHER option, and so it's looking more and more like it's time to leave YouTube.  Just as I'm gaining subs.  Oh the irony.

So while I haven't figured out the particulars yet, I'm basically going to be using YouTube mostly as a recruitment scheme for Patreon and SubscribeStar, and for livestreaming until that goes away.  I think as of 1/1/20 all my back catalog of videos will go away from YouTube, just yank them all down.  From then on, if I can figure out a good way to do it, I'll be making those videos available HERE for you guys.  Also, via that same delivery vehicle, I'm going to theoretically be streaming my NEW videos here, certainly all the ones with Harvey.  Harvey could be construed as some kind of damn kid's entertainment, and that wouldn't do at all.  So changes must be made.  

I'm not sure on the time table for this, but this is what I'm currently thinking.  New details that arise about the impact of COPPA may shift this strategy and it's not set in stone, but yeah...it seems that Patreon is going to be more important than ever in 2020, and I want to thank you ALL for your loyalty and support.  Without you guys, I think this would all very likely be over.  With you guys, I think this could be a great blessing in disguise.  I'll keep you posted.


Red alert

So no more live streams and all your old videos will be deleted and you will never upload again Is that what you’re saying


My Lord, I'm sure I speak for all of us....we stand with you. Blessed be.


If you don’t mind my doing so, I shared this with my dad. He’s an avid viewer, just not a Patreon sub. I’m his proxy, as it were ❤️ Thank you for sharing this info, sir! 🌹🥃


Vimeo offers a "professional" tier that costs like $700 a year but (I hear) you don't need to worry about copyrights or anything, you can post anything you want other than porn.


I'd like to be able to say you're overreacting, but this sort of squeeze on Youtube's part has been coming for a long time. Youtube has never really been profitable for Google and this THX-1138 approach to managing channels is apparently their solution. That being said, I DO think they should have instituted a better rating system / parental controls for a long time. (For instance, there's no way to flag a video for swears or sexual language. You need outright nudity or sex acts.) But they aren't doing it for the right reason. They're only doing it for the profit motive. The upside is if this actually pushes out major players like Jeremy at the Quartering or even Pew Die Pie then you can be sure that it will empower a rival service that will actually gain traction.


We stand by you sir!! Follow you to hell and back!! Hail Doomcock!!


Stupid YouTube ... they've got a pretty good thing, so of course they have to screw it up instead of leaving well enough alone. Needless to say, I (and I'm sure most of us) will be glad to follow you wherever you decide you need to go. As you say, perhaps this will be a good thing in the long run; at least you'll be free of the need to placate YouTube's algorithms, among other things.


NOW is it time for violence and bloodshed? Yeah, I'm done w/yt and uploading in general, as well. I don't have the subs to be financially viable (hence yt torpedoing your channel) and I'll make an animated batmobile one day and then build a Nazi ufo the next. Not to mention, the headaches trying to understand the ever changing tos. So, I quit.


It is a baffling and frustrating situation for YouTube to put creators in, but we will support you no matter what you decide. Build it and they shall come, perhaps 2020 is the year that Xanadoom rises? Hail all!


I have yet to see what I perceive to be a child 13 and under on your live chats. Yes, I watched the stupid video. "Get a lawyer."🤷‍♀️Great advice, YouTube. If you leave, may I offer my Youtube Premium money to you, my Liege. I will no longer be giving it to YouTube. 🌹


To sum up the sentiment with a quote from Joachim’s final words in Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan “.... yours is superior”


We're with you, wherever you go!


The problem with the alternate sites is none of them have hit critical mass. They also don't support live streams that I'm aware of. This is going to require sort of a coalition of estranged youtubers to sort of move en masse to another site which will duplicate the youtube experience better. Patreon, as you know, was a response to Youtube as well. So this sort of thing CAN happen. This may signal the end of Youtube as a grass-roots platform. They already have Youtube premium as a Netflix competitor with things like Cobra Kai. That's the kind of content they want to see, glossy stuff.


With you all the way my liege.


No, I'm saying I'm yanking all my old videos because I have to, and I'll be making them available here for you guys. I will keep uploading as long as I can and livestreaming as long as I can, but this law makes it risky and so I'm going to have to be careful about what approach I take, and that will shape the material on YouTube. (Whereas the material here will not be impacted, in fact there will probably be more of it here since I'll be devoting less time to YouTube.) I wish I had more answers for you, but this is up in the air and the only reason you're not hearing more about this from other YouTubers is they're in denial or don't understand just how dangerous the situation is.


Where you go my lord we follow .


Those who are not WITH us are AGAINST us I think is what you are saying


As Prince Barin said to Flash Gordon...”Where you go...I follow”.


Really sad to think you'll pull your videos... I think people are overreacting over this. In the forum world we've been dealing with COPPA since its been law, most sites ignore it and never heard of anyone ever getting sued. The government sued youtube because they have deep pockets. They don't care about individuals. COPPA is so corporations don't get rich off kids. I also earnestly believe that simply showing Harvey is not enough to get the channel; listed as a kids channel. Worst case, start every stream with an F-Bomb,,, that should set the algorithm straight.


Something smells fishy here. This is a matter for the FCC, not for the FTC. I have no idea why—well, actually I do have some idea, but why this is being handled by the federal trade commission instead of the federal communications commission instead, is kind of weird… I feel like the FTC brings more to bear against YouTube creators than the FCC. Maybe we will see them get involved soon as well, and I think a crowdfunding defense fund for people that create content is not only a good idea but should be implemented soon. Hail Doomcock, and Hail Harvey and all Xanadumerrs and legionnaires and everyone in between. I think this will not stand up in court, but we have to have somebody to represent us, so that we can slow the process down and get some real jurisprudence on the matter. Because this is essentially a first amendment issue, it occurs to me that the ACLU (oh, I know they’re left of just about everybody) would love to jump in on this case. But the FTC is speeding things up so that that can’t happen. I say we crowd fund a countersuit against the FTC using the high-power lawyers at the EFF. But, until that happens, yeah, it’s going to suck. I do not envy you, although I am scared for the FTC. Once you insert yourself into a situation or find yourself inserted into one, there will be hell to pay, and I would not want to face your righteous indignation not your awesome presence as an enemy. You scare the piss out of us just putting on your helmet. If we all band together, we can win. This cowardly attempt by YouTube to get us to self-censor is just that—a cowardly attempt. I say we fight back. There’s no other choice. Once one of us is impugned, attacked, verbally assaulted or faces changes by a corporation to take money out of our wallets, especially those that do it for a living, all of us must stand up in solidarity for our brothers and sisters on YouTube, those that are content creators, and those that we love so much that we’re even having this conversation on Patreon. BTW, I think a website like Nerdrotic is a good example for the place for everything to be backed up. Hail!


With you wherever you go. 💕🖖


Where DOOMCOCK goes the Legion follows. 👊 youtube shows no respect so we will reject.


I say we send 5k Popeyes Chicken sammichs to yt headquarters and sit back and enjoy the show.


I have heard of some people going to bitchute as well. However is it better to subscribe here or Patreon?


I mean Subscribestar or patreon?


Of course there is always the discord channel you run I have joined in the past not sure where that sits either or if you can share videos and things and store you backlogs there on discord as well.


Hail Doomcock. We'll follow you... to the end of the world and beyond.


damn makes me want to never monetize and stick to stream labs and patreon but then again nowhere is safe. i will support you as i can Doomcock.


I knew you'd have a plan. Can't be the Future Ruler of Earth without being 5 steps ahead of everyone! We'll follow you wherever you go, my liege. You can always count on our support no matter what 💛

Arctic Alpha

YouTube, you son of a pakled... Why can't we just have nice things..


Patreon is much better, because there's a lot more tools here for people. It's not much of a community over at SubscribeStar.


I don't see Discord playing any role other than the current role it plays, as a gathering point.


I followed you for a reason, that was the truth and the music!! I will support you here and hopefully be able to catch the videos, but none the less, you have the support of this legionnaire! Keep up the great work and know you have your followers! Without respect we reject.


Unfortunate strategy, but I can see why youtube is doing it. More corporate paid channels and youtube will still have millions of viewers watching the same inane puppy videos or the vapid twits applying eye shadow. It’s simply time for the next platform to emerge to replace what has been ruined by normie corporate culture


Very relieved to hear that you have a cunning plan Baldrick! 👍


To keep the channel from being considered a kids channel do a couple of short video dirty/risque jokes a week . You can even bleep out overly obscene words. There's no way they could claim it's for kids with jokes like "A caveman walks into a whore house". They won't take but a few minutes to mass produce so you just spend once or twice a month telling several adult jokes and prep dozens ahead of time. Nothing special, just typical Doomcock photo with voice over. Don't have to worry about them being demonetized, the regular content will be for that. You could post them to both channels really. Do them on Harvey's like he's stealing your work but tell them badly... This only entails kids 12 and under so on the banners and thumbnails put a rated PG13 tag. What are they going to do? Argue with you and over 90k subs about your content? Claim all the times you go on cursing rants in live streams you were simply telling childrens stories? I really don't think you have much to worry about with this COPPA shit.


Hail! Ready toxic town! Which is next to field of dreams? (great reference!)

Mikey Bohmer

Midnights Edge did something interesting in their latest video; they stated that the video wasn't for children and that they should stop watching immediately. They then flashed a couple of scenes from various horror movies then got on with the vid. I can't remember but I think they then flashed more up in quick cuts during the video. It was the video on the Sonic movies redesign.

Mikey Bohmer

I believe it's the FTC because it's about advertising to children. I'm not certain, though.


Haven't left yet sire,... and Wont be.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JzXiSkoFKw .... 3:00 mark. Harvey will be targeted for certain Sire.


We will continue to support you regardless of platform. It figures, they always go after the “little guy,” and leave corporations and true offenders alone.


I was already unhappy with YouTube—and I'm not even a content creator!—over their draconian algorithms, which force creators to favor the kind of content that is rewarded by YouTube. In effect, the creators end up working for YouTube, not for themselves or for their audiences. Now that YouTube is adding even more obstacles and hurdles for creators to deal with through their new boneheaded policies, I would agree that it's time to look for other alternatives—not because there aren't ways to work around or within the new restrictions, but on general principle. (Or, to put it another way: "Without respect, we reject.") As always, I like the direction of Doomcock's thinking. If YouTube wants to use creators merely as a means to their own ends, why shouldn't creators start to treat YouTube in the same way? Take advantage of the reach and the network effect afforded by YouTube, but don't invest in it as a primary platform; instead, use it only as a way of recruiting audiences to other platforms which provide more control and more creative freedom. Patreon is one of those, but I still think the best alternative of all would be a dedicated Doomcock website. Total freedom, maximum control.


Well you could do what Midnight's edge did and randomly splice in some decidedly not child safe footage :P


Yes, I saw that in their new Sonic video. I have the impression that they did that more as a way of dramatizing how stupid the new YouTube policies are (or will be), rather than as a serious effort to work within them.


So who's arse needs kicking?? This is BS and I am sorry you have to deal with this nonsense Boss!! I wish I was a Lawyer or an Arborist - either way I would take a chainsaw to this shit!!


we stand with you sire!


urgh, that sounds like a load of hassle for you. Glad you've got a plan.


My liege, were you lead your Doominions will folow.


DVD, if worse comes to worst you can just send mass emails. Haha. As long as no one REPLIES ALL.


Where Doomcock treads, we follow! Youtube can rot, it certainly deserves it. We'll see how long this new rule lasts when they start losing boat loads of money and users.


Oh man, it is all so calculated and manipulative. Maybe we need to start referring to YouTube as “Wolfram & Hart”.


If you want your freedom then don’t click monetize on YouTube. Unsubscribe from monetization and just direct your followers to Patreon. You may also want to look into Microsoft’s version of YouTube; Mixlr .


Curious, I was in the library in Xanadoom just the other day and saw three books bound in red showing the sigils of a wolf, ram, and a Hart. Very ominous indeed.


HAIL DOOMCOCK !! INVITICUS !! Out of the night that covers me Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance, I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbow’d. Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds, and shall find me, unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.[1


Say the word, I'm there.


I don't give you much on Patreon since I superchat a lot my liege. But if you need to move out of Youtube, I will increase my Patreon amount for sure. And that gives me an excuse to delete my Youtube account for good.


Glory to your eternal rise my liege!


Whatever the platform, the fight goes on and so must your message. I’m with you, my Liege, wherever the Fates take you.


So, wait , what? If you say you are not for kids the FCC can decide you are and fine you anyway? WTF? We will follow our Liege to any battlefield. Long Live Doomcock.


You run a quality site, let us forge onto glory and gold.


Doomcock, you talk about the power of pop culture. I grew up poor, but the military esthetic of Star Trek, and the sense of adventure to foreign worlds of Star Wars, inspired me to have a career in the Air Force ( the United States version). I got to travel across the US and live in many foreign countries. It was all due to the inspiration I received from these fictional characters, who were real to me. Also, my parents failed to put the “fun” in dysfunctional and abused me and my brother when we were young. The character of Spock, that he had problems with his parents and he was often on the receiving end of cruelty but he kept his dignity, helped me through tough times. So you are correct about how important fictional role models and pop myths can be.


We still stand with your, Hail Doomcock!