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I received this rumor from a source with direct knowledge of the production.  This is insanely shameful and disturbing.  Check it out, and see for yourself...this is the worst rumor yet.


Doctor Who Season 12 Rumor | The Shaming of David Tennant

Doctor Who Season 12 is going to be vastly worse than Season 11 according to rumors from a source with direct knowledge of the production. You won't believe what Jodie Whittaker is going to do to David Tennant, as well as all the male doctors of the past, in an upcoming crossover special. If this doesn't get our blood boiling, you're not a Doctor Who fan. #doctorwho #doctorwhoseason12 #doctorwhorumor



This is a disgrace, the BBC has become a mouthpiece for hate. This is all a result of a generation of kids given a ribbon for coming last. Universities and media turning its back on science, reason and history. Churning out kids with gender and equity degree's without no ability to critically analyse information and no morality. Star trek and Dr Who were my favourite shows and what they have become is heartbreaking. Celts used to be a matriarchal society and what was its main tennant, human sacrifice. Fuck the BBC, Rip Dr Who.


I am so sad. I loved Tennant but I am surprised you did not like Matt Smith. When I first saw this young 20-something I thought the show was over. But when he regenerated and walked through an image of the previous 10 Doctors to say the Earth is protected... I knew everything would be ok. His and Amy Pond’s story was magnificent and, even though the writing stumbled from time to time, I thought he embodied everything you loved about Tennant’s portrayal as well. I say to everyone this show was cancelled after Capaldi but now I might have to actually go on the offensive and attack the BBC for its extreme shortsightedness in its hiring practices. If this is true, it’s one more nail in the coffin for a show that I have enjoyed for decades, just to make people who don’t care about its legacy at all, happy.


What kind of deluded woke fantasy are the BBC and the Dr Who production crew living. This smells of sabotage and self destruction done in the name of intersectional propaganda. Maybe someone of great credibility within the Whovian community should say to looney leftists Jodie Whittaker "Show us your privilege luv because you regeneration cycle is well overdue" !!!


Utter bollocks, it boils my blood,

P.H. Vale

We have arrived, and it is now that we perform our charge. In fealty to the God-Emperor, our undying Lord, and by the Grace of the Golden Throne, I declare Exterminatus upon the broadcaster known as BBC and the franchise known as Doctor Who. I hereby sign the death warrant of an entire franchise and consign a million fan voices to oblivion. May Imperial Justice account in all balance. The Emperor Protects!


That makes my blood boil so much I might need a helmet to keep my head from exploding...


I too had foolishly favoured Tennant as the second best Doctor after Baker, for him to willingly submit himself to be hectored by that talentless second rate actress Whittaker is beyond appalling. There was nothing remotely TOXIC in his portrayal, what need there be to bow to the will of the BBC. I dare them to claim that Jodie would have had a quarter of the success he garnered. If it was not for him, the Doctor Who franchise would not have become a resounding international success. And yet Tennant bowed down to their will allowing Jodie to use him to publicly condemn the fans of the previous incarnations of the franchise as a whole. O true apothecary! Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die. No longer shall I see my second doctor in the same light. Farewell Doctor, farewell Tennat. Hail Smith, and to Capaldi do I thee hail.




I will continue to love Tennant and not view his performance in a negative light... Not everyone has the chutzpah or principled background to stand up for what is right when push comes to shove. That's why it's up to US to Stay Angry on their behalf!!


Yep, they're making David Tennant do the "Mark Hamill Patriarchy Perp Walk." This is the kind of crap that, to me, puts the lie to the notion that the Woke Warriors are only after inclusion, and representation, and "giving voice to marginalized minorities," and the like. If that were the case, they would have at least tried peaceful coexistence; instead, they started bullying and debasing established characters and franchises, and insulting the fans who still love them, the very second they got their foot in the door. The people behind this Woke Wave are all about inculcating guilt in so-called "privileged" people for the purpose of neutralizing and sidelining them, just so they can be free to remake the culture in their own warped, deranged image, no matter who or what they have to destroy along the way.


Thankfully I stopped watching after the 4th Doctor!


I started watching "Dr. Who" with my Dad as a kid. He liked British TV shows, and our PBS affiliate in New Jersey (I don't remember if it was WNET or NJN at the time) aired episodes of "Dr. Who" in the early 1980s. So, I got to see classic "Dr. Who" before it was "cool," when those episodes were still relatively new. I'm most familiar with the Doctors from Hartnell through Davison, and to a lesser extent Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy. Neither my Dad nor I cared for what little we've seen of the new "Dr. Who," and given what has happened to it, it's probably just as well. I'm saddened to see it become yet another self-immolating franchise.

Shaun The CHB

Long gone are the glory days of the original seven doctors, from Hartnell to McCoy. It's so sad to see how Doctor Who has fallen so far down the PC rabbit hole from it's reboot in 2005.... it's no longer enjoyable at all. Stories are not even good anymore. It's just "all men are bad, all women are good, all white people are evil". Such a tragedy.


When interrogated by the BBC I say "There are 12 Doctors" .


I loved ecleson, Tenant and Smith... I even liked capaldi bit the writing for him was complete shit... And I don't even count this current one at all. Doctor who, 1-12 is at least doctor who ... 13 is trash stories


I was introduced to Doctor Who as kid during the Tom Baker era. My love for this show has never faltered throughout my entire adult life until the decline that started in the Capaldi era with the writing. I have been completely disgusted with the direction this show has taken. I believe that any show can stand the test of time as long as the writing is good. But being preached to every week is not my idea of entertainment. I have hope that one day this show will get back on track. I just hope they realize they will inevitably fail if they don't course correct. Just my two cents.

Bird of Evil

What is the latest news on Dr. Who? Will the Sea Hag of political correctness, Jodie Whitaker, be returning - making Dr. Who another dying franchise? So often it seems huge corporate entities prefer Stalinist political correctness over corporate profit.

Bird of Evil

Never forget that "Woke" = police state


As someone who came back to Dr. Who with Chris Eccleston, I also really grew to enjoy Tennant's performance... this is disgusting, miserable and so expected from ungrateful hate-mongers like Chibnall and Whittaker. I hope Tennant was forced into this via contractual obligations.