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Here is my initial spoiler-free review of Joker. It's a true work of genius.


Joker Review | Joker is a Work of Genius! (Spoiler Free)

Joker is a triumph over the mediocrity of modern cinema, an opaque, difficult, and atmospheric vision that merits repeat viewings. Joker is a serious, outstanding work of genius that will reward repeat viewings. Here is my spoiler-free review of Joker. #jokermovie #joaquinphoenix #joker



Hail Doomcock! Indeed it is a masterpiece. I went to see it last night and I think I like this version of the joker better than the Heath Ledger version.


And I survived without getting shot up like the access media wanted everyone to believe would happen


It's odd, as soon as I saw him smoking in the trailer, I thought... hun... in a modern film they are going to let him do that? And they did, and so much more! WB had balls making this film, and I'm glad they did! Will see it twice more this weekend.


And I have to wait until next week, to see it....


Glad it turned out to be the Joker and not the Woker. I'll be seeing it Sunday before the Inquisition, so I'll be looking forward to hearing the full discussion of it then!


Just saw it this evening, riveting and unsettling, possibly Joaquin Phoenix best performance it is a film that needs to be experienced.


Just came back from it. Powerful performances all around. Was intrigued by the take on his condition. Looking forward to you spoiler review my Lord.


I just came out of seeing it. Truly fantastic. Like movies of old. Gripping performances and lead performance. I really got what Joker was saying as well as the abject horror of it. I actually felt better about the world because it wasn't an SJW rubber superhero flashfest. It was a Greek tragedy like Sophocles Antigone.


Joker shows us all what the pop culture we love could become if artistry were encouraged and supported in Hollywood instead of the mindless, empty rehashing of old stories that play on repeat on our screens. It was brilliant, Phoenix was extraordinary. I love this movie. The professional critics panning this film are no more than malicious ideologues who prefer propaganda to art and they disgust me.


Unsettling is exactly one of the words I used to describe it!!!!


I am so proud that WB stood behind this movie. It was incredible. It was stressful and unsettling and too real. My hands were clenched almost the entire movie. It was brilliant and paralleld Taxi Driver in so many ways. It was gritty. And the end.... phenomenal. I had literal chills.


Yes! Beautifully put!! The body language conveyed as much as, or more than, the dialogue. It's like you could see the crazy slowly rising to the surface.


I'm trying to word this without spoilers. I am curious how many things we saw were from his own reality or perspective. Maybe you'll notice something on the rewatch?


I couldn't believe some people were getting patted down to go into the theater!!


I feel like that's comparing apples to oranges ...and Leto is a brussel sprout


I haven't see it yet, but I get the impression that the movie is basically Falling Down in the Batman universe.


Brilliant, Lord Doomcock! A masterpiece the Fandom Menace must support.


I guess I will check it out. Last movie I went to was Lion King and before that Last Jedi. Wow, typing that out is jarring. My daughter picked the movies. And yes, I will be at Rise if Soywalker with my daughter, it is a December tradition dating back to Harry Potter. On the plus side - it took me forever to get her into the original trilogy and my older, "unenhanced" copies of the films, and she migrated to the Fandom Menace in record time!


I agree 100% with the sentiment of seeing it multiple times even if it makes you uncomfortable. It's literally the only way the signals going to get sent.


I really deeply admired this film, I think it's really a work of genius, and a rebuff of Hollywood mediocrity and movies as disposable commodities.


Exactly. I left with a great sense of ill ease. That's excellence right there.


That's a bit too simplistic to describe this. It's really it's own thing, its effect is unique.


Absolutely. Do we want mature adventurous cinema or not? Well said Therin!