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Here is my initial statement. A more detailed response is coming. In the meantime, thank you all for your support.



Red alert

Dicktor do not let this pod person tear you down unlike him you put more effort and care into your work than 95% of all other YouTube channels and the fruit of that effort is a loyal loving legion of friends and followers something plant will never have we are at your side stay strong because we will not let mr plant tear you down


I said it in the Discord already, and I'll say it again: NOT WORTH YOUR TIME. But I suppose even a playful cat will toss fresh meat around a bit.


I’m by your side no matter what, sir! You can count on me 100% ☺️🥃 I know I’m echoing what many have said, but you are surrounded by so many people that care & value your unique insight into today’s society as a whole. PS, move the clock ahead a bit...I’d love for Harvey to have some playtime ❤️🌼


I’m furious about this! Your legion & the fandom menace is fully behind you! Funny how after hitting 50k this hack shows up


If you’re a mentally ill SJW, there’s obviously a place for you at Inverse. What a pathetic, wasted generation, destroyed by absentee parenting, brain rotting social media and a subversive educational system.


Hail Oh Evil ( but an equal opportunity oppressor ) Overlord , always remember that sticks and stone my break our bones , A good trebuchet with crush our enemies , Drive then before us , and set their woman to Lamenting.


Well put. I look forward to hearing more tomorrow. Stay strong, my friend.


This obviously won't stand. Weigh your options, we're all behind you with our support! Turn this disgusting attack into a win!


A sure sign of success is some crony cretin crying out your name. The only reason anyone has ever heard of this guy is because he spoke Lord Doomcock's name. His 15 minutes will be up after Doomcock releases the video tomorrow. Hail Overlord DVD, long may you reign!!


He even takes a shot at Harvey. Harvey, I installed a button right behind you, if you push it, it will suck this asshole of a writer into your dimension.


These are immoral people. They believe disagreement with any aspect of their ideology is proof of the most disgusting vices and beliefs a human being is capable of. They do not trouble themselves with questions of evidence or truth. They know only that you disagree with their message and therefore must be silent. They will use your humiliation to intimidate others into obedience. These are the actions of would be tyrants, a modern Inquisition for their non theistic religion. We know your heart, our gentle Overlord and we value your work and passion. Stay strong and stay angry.


I found the article's form letter format riveting. I swear these idiots write the same article wtih the same unfounded insults over and over.


With you 100% my Liege.


Overlord , I came late to this and did not know any thing about this article , I finally got the transcript from Geeks & Gamers as I would not go looking and Give this this Shite a click , This Dickhead is a Troll nothing more. Would you copy & paste the words in your comments so that your 50k loyal subscribers can gauge what has been said and ask your supporters in your next video not to give the oxygen of clicks to this Cretten , Because In the end That is what this is all about, Written With love & Fury Rolocat


I haven't heard these attacks nor will I afford them the time of day. They mean nothing to me. I'm only here to ask if you could please upload last Sunday's Inquisition. I missed it when it was live.


Ezekiel 25:17. Pulp Fiction"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the Inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in The name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of Darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost Children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know My name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.


Please remember that this pathetic human wastrel is a nothingburger on a newly hatched, little known website. I think he only wanted the traffic to the INVERSE webpage. It is however, your choice on how to deal with this SJW punk. We are with you milord DVD, always.


Standing with you as always, my Liege. The truth will overcome the foulest lies.


Give him hell, my liege. We've got your back.


I am impressed at the eloquence and intelligence in the comments above. I am so proud to be a part of this community. I stand with you, and as always, I stand with Doomcock 👊

Ryan Geiger

If this is Doomcocks quick response his full video might melt the internet.


Your very good name is well armored by a body of quality work free for any to view and is defended by your legions who have come to know your heart these past (almost) two years.


Hey Boss... I was staying angry - but now I am angrier!! Mate, this noob is looking for clicks on the back of your success but your Honor and Integrity must be defended!! How can a community of people that often identify as family be called "toxic" and a "hate mob?" The charges he levels at you a far more audacious and contemptuous and will be dispelled!! It's like these SJW "writers" use this method: cntrl+C, cntrl+V, "Insert Name" lol You just hit 50K... Your turn!! EVERYONE has your back My Liege!! Send in your Legionnaires as you require!! ☮️ & 💛 to you all as we approach H-Hour.


For story corrections, send an email to corrections@inverse.com I sent them a letter asking them politely to retract the offending comments. I also, politely called Corey Plante a "typewriter monkey." I'll see if I can share my email somewhere for you.


I said it in the YouTube comments, but I should say it here, too: this "author" is only after attention, and the satisfaction of riling people up. I won't give it to him, either by lashing out at him or by responding to his "article" in kind. As satisfying and as cathartic as that would be, it would only give him and his ilk more comments to cherry-pick, and to use as a weapon against our community. Instead, I'll simply express my thanks and my appreciation to Doomcock for being Doomcock and for doing what he does. Those who know the truth know that he is innocent.


Slander is the tool of losers. I know you for a good man, as do the people here. The loonies have flung those epithets around so much, they practically have come to mean the opposite of their intentions - a badge of honor, in fact. With this hit piece I would say my liege has hit the big time, up there with the other fine leaders of the Fandom Menace. And as my granny would say, "If you aren't pissing someone off, you aren't doing it right." I salute you!


like so many other SJW "pieces", the author decides that he is qualified to quantify your words and speak for you, instead of to you, or even bothering to listen to what you have to say before passing summary judgement.


Hail Doomcock!


I don't want to give this "author" any more clicks or attention than he's already milked from this. I won't even use his name; I'll refer to him instead as "FacePlante."


I just watched your full response to this slander, and I think it was fantastic! Very well done indeed, my lord. And that wooden log Brie Larson thing was hilarious! You crushed the opposition.