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"Good God!  CHOKE!" Only this quote from the old E.C. horror comics can convey just how much I hate this goddamn episode!  Watch it for yourself, and see just what Doomcock thought of this latest slander against Gene Roddenberry and his greatest creation!



In this review of Star Trek Discovery: Project Daedalus. I dissect exactly why this episode is not merely a failure, but a violation of every standard of rationality and taste. The Discovery learns that Section 31 has gone rogue, and goes on a mission to infiltrate their secret base and find out what happened to Control, the computer that Starfleet relies on for tactical evaluation. Has something gone wrong with Control? Why has Section 31 gone silent? And will this episode make any sense at all? If putrid idiocy is not to your taste, heed my warning! Watch this video and spare yourself a great deal of suffering! #startrekdiscovery #startrekreview #projectdaedalus



I'm 16 minutes into this week's episode, and I've already yelled "F*** you!" at the screen three times. I hate that certain predictions some have made, (because they're so obvious,) have turned out to be true. I absolutely LOATHE this piece of garbage show.


Episode 10 "The Red Angel" outdid itself with how stupid it was. The only good part was what happens to Mikey Spock towards the end of the episode

Ryan Geiger

ptang ptang ole' biscuit barrel


Wait. On STD there was a character that was human and converted her self to being a robot? Not a cyborg? Positronic brain? And the Section 31 computer took remote control of that character? No safety features to prevent external control? Did it over write her brain?


Well, when you put it like that, the show sounds incredibly stupid. It was actually the <i>time traveling,</i> future version of Section 31's super AI, that had never been mentioned before yet several people knew of, that took remote control of <b>Seven Of None</b> by flashing a lightsignal on a monitor just as she happened to be looking at it, because her technology's programming was, of course, completely compatible with the AI's and had, for reasons, no virus scanner or firewall or any type of safety measure to prevent being hacked like our early 21st century tech does


They forgot to write a scene where Sexy Robit Chick is explained. They were so set on showing "feels and tears" that they didn't bother explaining if she was a cyborg or an android. Then it turns out she is a cyborg because of how she dies with her organic components not being able to withstand the vacuum of space. Then she shows the android qualities of having downloadable memories and storage space issues. I think they just wrote her not knowing much about artificial life forms, and how they differ. Then they balls it up in the next episode by giving her a funeral worthy of a legacy character when we have really only known her for one episode.


What keeps going through my mind is if the Section 31 Computer took over the body but her human brain was still aware and "trapped" only able to watch and feel everything.


let me guess, robo-chick somehow becomes/introduces The Borg


I despise this shit with every particle in my body. I loathe it, good word. And it only gets worse and worse. These are the worst writers in Hollywood.


Oh dear God, how I did enjoy watching Mikey Spock endure that! Bestest episode of STD EVAR! 🤣


A Monty Python reference! Graham Chapman says Ptang Ptang in a sketch!


Nah, she's dead now. Though I guess an alien AI could man her torpedo and plug her back in. Change her batteries. You may be up to something Kenny...


Yes, this is kind of what happened. At the end she is downloading to the AI and can't stop but tells Mikey Spock to Space her. It's all very silly.