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Wonder why they so callously tossed aside canon, turning the Skrulls from an evil empire into oppressed people of (green) color?  Find out as Doomcock uncovers their hidden message!


The Corrupt Hidden Message of Captain Marvel

Why were the Skrulls transformed in Captain Marvel from an evil interstellar empire into a downtrodden race discriminated against by the Kree? Therein lies the key to deciphering the corrupt hidden subtext of Captain Marvel. #captainmarvel #captainmarvelreview #brielarson Want reviews you can trust? Go to patreon.com/doomcock and join our growing community of genre fans and canon warriors! Hours and hours of exclusive commentary, reviews, and roundtables you won't find anywhere else can be yours for as little as $1 a month. Help us preserve our modern myths from the corporate forces that seek to obliterate them! Copyright 2019 Dicktor Van Doomcock. Doomcock, Dicktor Van Doomcock, Harvey Cthuhlu, and Xanadoom are trademarks of Dicktor Van Doomcock.



They may offer you fortune and fame, they may offer you lots of cheap thrills, but whatever they offer you, whatever they say they've got for you, please whatever they offer you DON'T FEED THE MOUSE!!!


Just in case my YT comment slips tru the cracks: Is it just me or did Mar'vell looked a little bit like a certain female politician who lost a big election in 2016 ?


Lord have mercy.


Another incisive analysis, Doomcock. Whatever happened to embracing reality, and just letting men be men and women be women. Vive la difference as the French always say. No amount of Mary Sues are going to gain women more upper body strength than the average man. And all the chick flicks in the world are not going to enable men to give birth so let's just accept who we are and get on with it. Of course, without all the bullshit we wouldn't have DVD around to put it right. Always look for the silver lining.