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So now I can discuss the news dump I laid out last night, as well as this latest news about Mikey Spock "making" Spock the Vulcan we all know and love!  GOD IT MAKES ME SICK!  COME PUKE WITH DOOMCOCK TONIGHT, 1/10/19, at 9:00 pm CST!

Hope to see you there!



CBS has allowed Klutzman to go too far, they continue to defile our memories, our heroes bu subverting expectations and inserting fabricated falsehoods and labeling them as canon, merely because nobody from the Gilmore Girls writing group understands Star Trek and because neither Gene Roddenberry nor Majel are here to defend Gene's creation. Until CBS learns the bitter truth let no more tributes fill their coffers. Fandom, when the wallets closed.


Question...saw someone post about the Roddenberry site no longer having a shop, as Rod has taken a buyout from CBS. Wondering if anybody has heard any info about this?