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Hail all!  Doomcock here with news of two upcoming events this month!  

First of all, the Doomcock Roundtable will be held December 18th at 7:00 pm CST (topic to be determined), and the Dick Doomcock Power Hour Xmas Party will be held December 23rd at 8:00 pm CST!  

And then finally, I'll be doing a livestream on Christmas Day just as I did a Thanksgiving livestream for those of us in need of a little Xmas Doomcock cheer!  So put those dates on your calendars and be ready for a lot of holiday cheer here, at the center of the Earth!



Enjoy everyone, as usual this Roundtable won't be a good time for me in Australia, but I'll be sure to make it to the live stream.


If the livestream starts at about the same time as it did fir Thanksgiving, I think I'll be able to make it. 😎


Aw shit it’s gonna be lit!!!


I should be there for all 3, might be a little late to the one on Christmas.


Never used Discord before. Looking forward to this. I think I can make them all. Any suggestions? I do have a nice Logitech Headset though.


I will see if I can attend either of the roundtables, work permitting. Inspired by your "Masterpiece Theater" reading awhile back, I have been inspired to paraphrase a scene of the Klingon Ambassador in "Star Trek IV" where he addresses the Federation Council - but whereas he demands Kirk's head, my rewritten scene demands the head of Moonves! Hope to attend to perform it for you and the rest of the Keepers of the Flame!