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That's right gang, time yet again for another Rumblings from the Lair!  So, here's the drill...ask me or Harvey anything you want in a comment to this post, and we will answer you in the podcast!  So limber up those fingers and fire away!  It's always the most fun part of each Rumblings, and I'll look forward to seeing what you come up with!



My liege, who is your most despised archnemisis?


Do you think that Bad writing will sink Captain Picards return? Also if that happens will you press the button to free Harvey?


Lord Doomcock, have you made time in your schedule to continue watching Farscape and balance the negativity of STD and other restrictions of Canon with something positive?


What was your most memorable theater/drive inn movie experience?


If you could visit any planet, from any fictional IP, what would it be?


How do you feel about the new She Ra reboot? What can we do about the continued desecration of our childhood memories?


Your thoughts on the Flash Gordon serials starring Larry "Buster" Crabbe? and movies where men were men, and the women were hot and feminine. my entertainment consists of movies and shows from the 1930s to mid 1990s. i cannot handle the soy-based entertainment we have today. and why have men allowed themselves to be disrespected by women, and society as a whole?


What is your favorite pizza topping?


As a youngster, and I mean young I was 6 years old I watched The Outer Limits. What are your favorite episodes of this classic? Two episodes from the 1st season stick out in my mind even these many years later, The Galaxy Being and The Mutant. Both terrified me and stuck with me for some reason. I have fond memories of watching this program with my father and older brother.


Will you ever reveal your true identity? When are you coming down to Australia?


Hail M'Lord what piece of any memorabilia be it real prop or reproduction would you most like to own, price not being an issue Thank you my Liege.


Hail, my Liege. At the risk of duplicating a comment I made earlier (and risking your wrath): I only just found out that Douglas Rain passed away this week also (on 11th Nov). This was easy to miss with Stan Lee's passing, of course, but Douglas made an >extraordinary< contribution to one of THE greatest films in cinematic history. Bad week all round really.


What are your plans for filming new segments from different areas of your lair and around Zanadoom? When can we expect to see more of your underground lair, and what are you most excited to show off?


greetings my lord who is your favourite horror movie killer and why? and which of their kills is the one you always remember?


Harvey ol' buddy ol' pal did you like Talkie Toaster?


My lord doomcock i had a thought during your invasion and subjugation of the world, you will need talented destroyers to aid in the initial smashing bashing and crashing, so how about making a squad of remote controlled harvey-bots for Harvey to control (with safeguards built in so he cannot use them to free himself) so he can have some fun smashing buildings and squishing STD fans?


In you gracious opinion, how many more MST3K-worthy episodes of Star Wars will it take before Disney pays for good writers and real directors?


Overlord! What is best in life?


What sci-fi film do you feel is the most under-rated in terms of its impact on the genre and which do you feel is the most over-rated in terms of impact? Personally I always felt Close Encounters was overrated - great effects but the story never worked for me and the ending is more about the effects than the story.


Is our energy better spent trying to save franchises like Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who, etc. or better to support The Expanse, The Orville, and to support the creation of other new properties?


Glorious One, this next question may sound a bit weird but I simply must know! It is an unusual question for you about your best friend Harvey Cthulhu but perhaps he's willing to give his opinion on it as well. Overlord, since Harvey isn't exactly human or even commonplace in our universe, let's suppose that 1 day you find out that Harvey has the ability to sing EXACTLY like the soprano lady who did the TOS theme in seasons 2 and 3. Would you then ask Harvey to sing it over and over again? Or would you find it so utterly disturbing to have such a voice emanate from underneath that writhing mass of green tentacles, that you'd tell Harvey to never sing it again?


I'd like to begin by pointing out it's rather generous of the Overlord to allow us a say in which Trek episodes to do commentary for; we simply can't lose either way. My question, now: I wonder if you'd consider a commentary on DS9's 'The Pale Moonlight'? I'd love to hear a Super Villain's analysis of Sisko's debrief...dare I say, confessional. We are in the 25th Anniversary, after all, and though there is so much excellence to be had, I think this episode was so ahead of it's time it's clear why it pops up in so many "Best of' lists. Hail to you, good Overlord.


My lord i don't know if you have had the time to watch overlord so any anime will do so, which anime character would you have as a subordinate and why?


Yes..perhaps also a Harvey could freakishly repurpose a classic pop tune like Carol King’s “I feel the Earth Move”.


Lord Doomcock, have you considered doing Star Trek and Star Wars character profile videos...Captain Kirk, Darth Vader, etc?


Lord Doomcock, as an enjoyable diversion at some point, I would also commend the Star Trek Voyager episode “Meld” for your consideration. I watched it again over the Halloween season, and it provides a compelling interaction between Tuvok and Lon Suder (Maquis crewman & Betazoid psychopath who murders a fellow crewman). Not the type of crew conflict that would have been permitted under Gene Roddenberry but very interesting nonetheless.


according to randoms latest video the are re casting and rebooting the original star wars movies?!?!? OK THAT'S IT ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!! (throws himself at harveys button)


(slams face first into containment field, misses release button, lands on music button, passes out, Justin beiber begins to play)