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Doubt not your Overlord my friends...weeks ago I reported on the rumors of chaos behind the scenes at CBS, and some fools scoffed...well they should scoff no further!  Doomcock is once again proven correct!  My source is verified as sound yet again, and so in this video Doomcock and Harvey Cthuhlu muse over the pending destruction of STD...enjoy!



In an excellent video posted by Midnight's Edge, Doomcock's report of rumored tumult three weeks ago has been proven correct! Star Trek Discovery is a failure of epic and staggering proportions, terribly over budget, hated by vast numbers of fans, and mostly unsalable overseas at even budget prices. Doomcock reviews the situation, discusses how Midnight's Edge being banned from the Star Trek Facebook Group proves that their latest video is not only accurate, but has given Star Trek a big black eye, and predicts a bad end ahead for Star Trek Discovery, the least viewed and most hated Star Trek series of all time! #cbs #startrekdiscovery #midnightsedge Doomcock's Video Expose of CBS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhivO6nZq48&t=14s Midnight's Edge's Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuMyfI_WM7E Please consider supporting Doomcock's struggle to fight against the destruction of our modern mythologies by becoming a monthly member of patreon.com/doomcock ! If all my viewers would simply contribute one dollar a month, gaining access to all sorts of exclusive content including two monthly chats live with Doomcock himself, my channel would become a full time operation, expanding far beyond what you see here! Check it out!



This makes me happy. Let's hope that this train continues on it's way to the black hole of obscurity where it belongs.


I never doubt my Lords predictions! I am happy to hear that it got proven correct for sure!! Hail Lord Doo


I am aware that Harvey may not like this, but my Liege you are steering us away from Ragnarok. May your Odin like "all seeing eye" be forever far seeing, and your voice continue to be all reaching. Hail to you my Liege.


They're running scared. Thank you as always for your clarity, My Lord.


There are no brakes on this fail train! Full steam ahead, CBS! As all of us Star Trek fans have well-known, and as a Doomcock has stated, Star Trek lives and dies on the quality of its writing. You can't replace character and narrative with cartoon spaceships that twirl, make bloop bloop noises, and go Pew! Pew! Pew! We can watch that shit in any braindead garbage that's out there. These writers didn't lift a finger to stay true to Trek. By their own admission - in their very own words - they went into this, trying to be some half-assed commentary on the President, and declared the KlingOrcs to be racist, blah blah, just like the people who voted for him. You fucking clowns! Your job as writers, is to entertain the audience! Not berate half of them! You people have dug your own grave, and I won't even make the effort to piss on it. Gene Roddenberry and his cadre were almost all liberals, as were the next generation of writers in future series. But they weren't SJWs. They were of a generation that knew how to disagree without being disagreeable. They didn't drip with hatred for anyone who didn't share their views. So while I don't personally agree with their politics, I deeply respect their commitment to entertaining and engaging their audience, no matter their convictions. I would tell CBS to learn from this lesson, but that's not part of their NPC programming.


I bow to your prescience oh Dark Lord. I cannot wholly join in the revelry yet simply because I feel not Lucky Enough for this to really be true. Once STD is in flaming ruins I will gladly piss on the smoldering ashes--- and yet even then victory will be hollow as these mindless Hollywood hacks will blame Trek and its fandom itself and not their execrable handling of it "Just a few old white guys not enlightened enough to embrace a woman in power." etc.


So, in the JJ era they become ever vigilant in their defence of the IP...meanwhile, by virtue of the JJ deal, though THEY (CBS) be the proper owners, they're beholden to their lessee for usage, and the lessee has freedom to make money even while damaging the IP's value. [golf clap]


Well done, Overlord! Lord Doomcock has an ingenious ability to discern the truth, and I trust your judgements. STD will collapse eventually not without untold additional canonical desecrations.


I still think Jah Jah abrams looks like (ghost busters) Egon’s less intelligent love child.


Posted this on You Tube...Well said, Overlord! STD IS DOOMED! And hopefully as a certain doctor we know would utter, "It's dead, Jim". This is our victory as well as well as for our Overlord - the Keepers of the Flame have spoken and we have said a resounding "NO!" to this fractal of shit! Netflix knows it's crap, the true fans know it's crap and with the "Short Bus Trek" episodes getting no takers, the world knows it's crap - the end is nigh, STD. Now to hear the cancellation news in later months and be rid of the dark, boring and stupid show that shills foolishly "PAID" to watch. I will raise a cup of Rum on that happy day - until then, I remain angry!


I have no words for the depth of hatred I feel for this garbage, an insult to Trek fans and sentient beings everywhere!


Hail Chris! Indeed, the Harveypocalypse recedes as the news continues to improve!


They are destroying themselves, it gets worse for them every day, and I can't wait to see them finally collapse! You're absolutely right Pondimus, Roddenberry was NO SJW, he cared about great writing and characters, and that's why his work is loved by everyone!


Don't assume the victory will be hollow...no matter what they say, nobody likes losing, and we'll know they're miserable. They'll have received a massive black mark on their resumes, and their careers WILL suffer! And regardless, just having that vile turd gone will be unspeakably sweet!


Yup, pretty much! They have made the wrong decision every step of the way, and now it's gotten to the point where they're on the brink of total RUIN!