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Hey guys!  It has come to my attention that a lot of you don't know that there's a ton of content here for you to enjoy, and so I'm here to tell you how find exactly what's available with just a few clicks:

1. Click the "Posts" Link at the top of the screen, located between the "Overview" and "Community" Links (see it highlighted in the image below):

 2. To the left of the screen you'll see a section called "Featured Tags".  Let's say you're interested in finding all of my DVD Commentaries...so all you have to do is click on that featured tag, and it will pull up all of the DVD Commentaries I've completed so far! 

3.  Just scroll down to whichever DVD Commentary you're interested in, and enjoy!

Hope this helps you guys track down some stuff you didn't know was here!  And get ready: Forbidden Planet is just around the corner!



Much appreciated, I was aware it was here but didn't notice the tags filter, had been scrolling through all your posts trying to find something new.


Glad this will help...there's a lot of material out there waiting for you!


Thanks very much! The tag structure isn’t visible to me in the mobile app. If I go through the Patreon site itself though, I can access the content. One can’t get too much of our Overlord!


I concur with Darrell, it's not visible on my mobile phone, will have to take the desktop to bed :)