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Just a reminder that tonight is the Dick Doomcock Power Hour Halloween Show! Starting at 10 pm CDT, it's a private party, not for broadcast, where we get to hang out and just have fun! Everyone gets a 5 minute slot for ranting, singing, poetry, what have you! (Also, for those of you who can't attend, the next Power Hour will be held in the afternoon for your convenience!)

So the Discord link will be posted here an hour before. Please limit your spot to 5 minutes asa courtesy to your fellow Lair denizens, to try and cut down on their wait time. See you tonight for our Halloween party!



I can't fucking wait!!!!!


Gonna be epic!


What time will the Afternoon power hour be?


Not sure, probably around 2:00, something like that. I'll let you know when I set it up, sometime in November!