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Greetings Vagabonds, Rogues, Villains, and Legionnaires!  Doomcock is somewhat crippled by the fact that everything fills him with rage, and so to gain perspective, I'm wondering: which of these pop culture abominations pisses you off the most?

And so, a poll!  Tell Doomcock what has angered you to the greatest extent!  I will start out by saying my vote will be for STD and Mikey Spock!  To be sure, ALL of the following enrage me beyond the capacity for rational thought, but remember: you can only place one vote, so be honest and make it count!



Where is the "all of the above" choice for people like me that are miserable and filled with rage to the point of avoiding as much contact with humanity as possible? :)


Too easy Random...of course it would win! You all take after your dear Uncle Doomcock, who is, like the Hulk, always angry! (Though you shouldn't be miserable...not after getting all those amazing Ren and Stimpy toys in the post...liked that video! I never comment on your vids cause I watch them on TV and not on the computer, so I always forget...but watch them I most assuredly do!) :)


Though choice indeed, the first two in the list are easily those who pissed me off most.


Some of these were vague or just eye rolling concepts. But it was Dis that I have the most active contempt for since I’m a Trekkie more than anything despite my long established love of Ghostbusters.


The killing of Star Trek is the worst for me. I grew up with it my whole life and now seeing it destroyed is very difficult. The PC thing is pretty bad though, that will likely have a bigger impact on the future.


The three most heinous crimes are (1) how cereal packages hold less cereal than in the past (2) Why Corey Feldman was passed over for the role of Wesley Crusher in STL TNG and (3) Comcast. Only when these are addressed shall I rest well at night in the deepest of slumbers.... :)


Remakes are fast becoming my biggest bugbear. It should be clear by now that attempting to create a new blockbuster franchise by scavenging the long-sealed tombs of great films gone-by and assembling ghastly undead simulacra from their wired-together bones, animated by hollywood necromancy, is a losing idea. How many times has it actually worked? Has it ever worked? Have these films done anything but devalue and tarnish the goodwill their antecedents? And more frustrating still even than the wanton rape and pillage of our pop-cultural history is the fact that there is never going to be another Star Wars or Robocop or Total Recall or Ghost Busters as long as this vile trade continues to gobble up the funds that should be putting new and refreshing ideas and stories on our screens. This is our lot for now, to get jerky instead of steak, the shell and not the nut. It makes this Legionnaire burn with such fury he feels like he might sublime into a conflagration of psionically charged plasma at any moment, consuming the hacks and frauds responsible for this creative dearth in a roiling wave of Hate Fire. Then I go watch the Expanse again, and remember there is still talent in the world, that the art of storytelling hasn't been utterly forgotten, and my fury returns to a manageable level. For now, it is a Syfy channel show, it could get cancelled at any moment, and then BOOM!


It was a tough choice between the first two, but you have already laid Jar Jar completely to waste with a diatribe from which the ol' pickle nose putz will likely never recover. So it's STD and Mikey Spock for me since they can always use a bit more pummeling. Something that irked you has also been sticking in my craw, and I was thinking about it this afternoon. It was that loathsome award ceremony you mentioned recently. The only way I could get that smarmy thing out of my head was to think; To protect the integrity of our beloved Trek with his dying breath, from those who would sacrifice our childhood memories upon the altar of corporate profits, THIS IS DOOMCOCK! To call out Mikey "Mary Sue" Spock for every resting bitchface, painted plywood, lifeless performance, THIS IS DOOMCOCK! To continue to lay waste to the remains which make up the rotting corpse of STD, to remind people that this maggot ridden remnant is not, and never was Star Trek much less Star Fleet, THIS IS DOOMCOCK!


I ended up voting for endless remakes, sequels, reboots and prequels, because a lot of the other choices can be included under that category. STD, Ghostbusters 2016, the Star Wars films, & diversity stunt castimg all happend because some idiot decided to remake or reboot or make a SJW sequel to something 😊 ALL HAIL DOOMCOCK! THE BESTEST OVERLORD EVAR!😁


For me, it's the postmodernism. Rian is the most blatant deconstructionist, but overall this comes from an activist set of philosophies that sees the old stuff people enjoyed as dangerous and oppressive. Not that everyone *operating* by some of these philosophies understands the overall structure of them. They just need to further the cause. Useful tools. Undertale is a better deconstruction than anything anyone of the likes of Johnson could ever imagine creating.


Star Wars The Force Awakens cut the deepest for me, Last Jedi just salted and limed juiced the wound, but I was already cut down. Star Trek, I had the option of pretending it was an alternate take or reboot. SW, killed my my favorite characters and their back stories with the original actors...


Though Doctor who was always deer to my heart, post reboot it feels like its a different universe. I'll always have Peter Davidson and Tom Baker.


I voted STD for most angering. It was a tough choice between that and Studios critic proofing. I would go further in that description. Sony in particular for Ghostbusters 2016 did their best to create and enhance the image of misogyny not only to critic proof, but to make their crap film an "event," a must see for the socially conscious. Seeing a completely cynical, profit motivated corporation clothing itself in false morality sets me in a black temper. See that manipulation widely accepted only deepens the feeling.


It's an unbelievable turn of events that anyone who wanted to continue making money on the franchise allowed that deconstruction to happen. How they went in without a plan and drove the whole edifice into flaming nonsense is beyond reason.


Trek has so many iterations it will survive. The deeper cut here is what has happened with Star Wars. I would however point out that both of these originated from the 'brain'trust at Bad Robot. Kennedy alone couldn't have done the damage and a competent skilled director could have given her what she wants AND what the fans want: strong INTERESTING characters without the need to sideline the originals. Disney seemed only to care about the timetable. So take my vote and half and half it. Neither Trek or SW would be in the situation they are now if it hadn't been for those pop hacks JJ, Orci, Kurtzman, and Lindlof.


It was quite difficult for me to make a decision, perhaps due to a lull in utter outrage today. Today was a pretty good day. So...I put on your "STAY ANGRY" shirt, and the answer came to me like an embolism of pure hatred loosened from some deep vein floating up to my brain. And so...even though I'm not a long-time fan of the show...I believe DOCTOR WHO needs to be taken to task for slowly, methodically, and unapologetically wrecking the icon of an entire nation!


I agree! Doctor Who first aired in 1963! There is no comparable icon in the US (Star Trek was in 1966), so yes...I think there's no doubt that Moffat has slowly and methodically driven Doctor Who right over the cliff into oblivion...and the current showrunner, in making the Doctor a woman in the trendiest possible way at the most pandering possible time, is cutting off its head and stuffing its mouth with garlic. So yes...I agree with you!


Applecrow, there is no doubt: Bad Robot is the plague rat that has infected Hollywood. ALL of those hacks spring from the same diseased corpse, plague-bearing fleas hopping from project to project, destroying everything they land on. Kennedy is absolutely culpable, but yeah...a solid writer could've threaded the needle between her stupidity and respect for the franchise and fans. I pray every day that audiences will turn away in vast numbers from their shitty films and finally make those bastards pay for their greedy craven callous STUPIDITY. NONE of these fuckers deserves to ever work again.


Christopher, that's a good point. Critic proofing was one aspect of their aim, but yes...I should have mentioned that they also wanted to make their abomination a rallying point for politically correct audiences. They failed largely because their movie was so awful and uninspired no amount of pandering could save it. Thankfully. Their pseudo-progressive profit ploy rots my ass as well. I don't think audiences are accepting it all that much...but producers in Hollywood certainly are. Probably in an effort to placate all the women they've harassed in their sleazy careers.


An intelligent vote Random! Doomcock probably should have done the same...if Doomcock were thinking logically. But hatred is not always logical, and STD to me is an abomination unparalleled in television history. And thanks! I'm delighted to be the bestest Overlord evar! :D


HEAR HEAR! Oh noble Travel Zealot, your rewrite has been a balm to my soul! I may have to record that revised speech and use it on my phone as a ringtone or something, for when I'm feeling down and brooding, as is my wont from time to time! Thank you for that inspiring and uplifting message my friend! Ah...it's good to know I'm making a difference in the world. A small one now, perhaps...but I shall take over the world soon enough! Tremble, ye hacks and fraudulent killers of dreams! THERE WILL BE A RECKONING!


NoisyBob, what an elegant post! Jesus Christ! Reading it, I couldn't help but wonder: did I write that last night on Ambien, craft a phony identity, and then post it here? Because it's that good! (Hmm...can you tell your Overlord is a bit of a megalomaniac? Naturally...that's a prerequisite for being a supervillain...you don't have that, get out of the racket and sell shoes!) "...scavenging the long-sealed tombs of great films gone-by and assembling ghastly undead simulacra from their wired-together bones, animated by hollywood necromancy..." Sheeit...eloquence! I swear, for some reason I am gathering the most intelligent and aware bunch of people...amazing! Post after post here, filled with intelligent observations, literately expressed...sorry to go off on a tangent, but you guys are bowling me over tonight...well done people! So...to answer your point, remakes and reboots almost never work. As I've said many times, I think Galactica was the exception, because Ron Moore had such a clear intent behind the reboot; essentially, it was his take on Voyager, a show he helped create but was booted from by the treachery of his former partner and boss. Voyager never lived up to the promise of its premise, and Galactica showed those assholes how it should be done. In other words, I believe it succeeded because there was true passion in the project. There are no bad ideas, only pisspoor executions of ideas. Mostly remakes and reboots are driven by suits and marketing experts, as a cheat, a supposed shortcut to audience interest that only cheapens the original and angers the fans for whom the originals are not "franchises", but modern myths, the lingua franca of our geeky kind. And so these abortions are unforgivable assaults on our memories, our dreams, and our culture. But NoisyBob, you've given me even more reason to preach about The Expanse. It is not only the best sci-fi on television right now (and possibly for all time, we'll have to see) but it is also keeping your from exploding. That said, consuming said hacks and frauds in mutagenic plasma isn't all that bad an ambition... :)


Egan! Fucking cereal boxes! I'll rectify that when I take charge of the Earth! As for Corey Feldman, there's nothing much I can do about that, though Harvey might find video of Feldman as Crusher in an alternate universe...I'll ask him about that...and fucking Comcast...well, again, once I take charge, I will dismantle the fucking corporations! They will be outlawed forever under my reign...no fictional fucking people in MY world! You want to do business, you'd better not fuck consumers over, or you WILL be sued out of existence! NO SHIELDS FOR CRAVEN EXPLOITEERS AND NO MONOPOLIES! GRRR!


I obviously agree, as I explained above. My vote was for Star Trek and the ever-loathed Mikey Spock! Thanks for your vote Buzz Nut!


Yes they were deliberately vague...like the Kobyashi Maru there is no right or wrong answer, it's a test of character. I wanted to see what the result would be, and it has stirred a lot of debate, therefore: success!


Agreed. No doubt. From the abstract to the specific, concrete grievances or general principles, which would prevail? That was the point of my poll, which I'm very happy with...