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Greetings all!  I just wanted to let you know that my first collaboration with the Midnight's Edge crew has been posted on YouTube, an interview with Your's Truly!  I think it came out pretty well, check it out when you have a spare 50 minutes or so:


Doomcock survived watching THREE EPISODES of STD today to get ready for a guest appearance on Captain Robb's Trek Log.  Doomcock barely survived, but survive he did!  And now he is even stronger, and has four partially reviewed episodes to get through, including another live DVD Commentary on Episode 12 I'll be posting next month.  I'll be giving each episode a review, but for now I'm working on something special that I really need to release, one way or the other, no later than early Saturday, so...I will be dark and silent, plugging away fitfully on that!

At any rate, that's what's happening here at Xanadoom (the official name of my Lair)...more to come soon!  Stay angry my friends!



A place where humankind's fate resides where Earth's future ruler hides they call it Xanadoom Armed with a terrible robot horde the plans of our Overlord waiting in Xanadoom A billion deaths forecasting And there you are, a fuming star An everlasting rage at pop culture sleaze eternally Xanadoom Xanadoom (cower in fear) In Xanadoom! Xanadoom, the galaxy will fear your name... Xanadoom! With hate for meaningless scripts and plots The scurrilous hacks and rot Will fall to Xanadoom (with galaxies of TNT) The wrath of aliens and ancient gods contained in a grim facade ruling in Xanadoom (in strange aeons, endless reboots may die) A billion deaths forecasting And there you are, a raging star An everlasting hatred of JJ's sleaze and STD Xanadoom Xanadoom (cower in fear) In Xanadoom! Now that you're here, now Earth is near to Xanadoom! Now that you're here, now Earth is near to Xanadoom! XANADOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!


Huh, I thought I saw Olivia Newton John roller skating around here in the lair ;)


This interview was glorious. Has Doomcock tried the Glenlivet? That's my current drink of choice. I've been meaning to try Laphroaig. I loved the Robot Army infomercial...won't anyone think of the paint-chipped robot who just wants everyone to fuck off?


I think I can get Olivia Doomton-John to do an encore... ===== There was a time when I was watching TV mindlessly I was like you but one fateful day, then I was unable to hold this point of view I blew a fuse and when this garbage makes me frown it drives me to burn the whole world down! Have you never been angry? Have you never tried to find the outrage that igni-i-ites you? Have you never sought vengeance just to prove them wrong? Have you never used all your hate to feel strong? Watching films like a dumbass, a bucket of popcorn for a brain I was like you never would try to fight back, put my foot down, criticize now I'm unglued but what you clods don't understand: world domination is my plan! Have you never been angry? Have you never tried to find the outrage that igni-i-ites you? Have you built a great army just to crush them all? Have you made it your single goal to see them fall?


Thoroughly enjoyed the interview, and await with baited breath further dastardly disseminations of STD drek deconstructions. It's what I live for. My blood hasn't boiled for a bit, and I am feeling far too conciliatory. Bring it on!


I have a pile of the damned things ready to review...I'll be tending to that after I review Solo for you guys and post the latest Rumblings...


This is BRILLIANT Mahaveez! It made Doomcock fairly chortle with delight! Doomcock is not ashamed to admit that he owns the soundtrack to Zanadu and knows the song quite well, so your lyrics particularly hit their mark with me! Many thanks my friend!


I'm very glad you enjoyed it Applecrow! I am normally not so candid, but I decided to open up a bit on this one. But I tell you, between the interview, writing a Treklog intro, recording 2 Treklogs with the guys, and getting the Solo trailer cartoon out (along with other life pressures that were closing in), I damn near keeled over! But now I'm recovered and ready to resume! As for scotch, yes...Glenlivet is one of my favorites, it never fails to satisfy! Laphroaig has been one of my favorites, though I got a less than stellar bottle of it recently and that make me leery...I got a bottle of Ardbeg, though, and it's an Islay scotch very like Laphroaig, so I can heartily recommend that!