4 times BIGGER PRINTS !? :o ♥ Change in physical rewards ! :D (Patreon)
2018-02-27 18:06:49
2018-02-27 18:18:18
Hello Super Pyons !♥
I have decided to change the physical rewards bundle to give bigger prints to you :D !
So you get more for your pledge amount ^^ So instead of two small postcard sized prints ( [15x10cm] = [6x4 inches] ) you will get 4 TIMES bigger prints ([21 × 29.7cm]=[8.27 × 11.7inches])
See the picture to get an idea of the size difference :D
Since I will give bigger prints, I will remove polaroids. It is actually a lot of work to make these, I have to schedule a new appointment with the photographer to make these, which can take weeks and the physical rewards are always delayed because of that. So I thought it's better to remove it and give bigger prints to thank you all for your support ♥