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Dear everyone,

I'm would like to apologise for the inconvenience

A few days ago I was sick, I thought it was just normal illness but I was worried and went to hospital to get checked. They told me I infected with Covid  , so I was self-isolating and healing at home. But it become more worse and yesterday after posting on Patreon I was hospitalized. Monitoring and treatment will take more than a week. I will try to recover as soon as possible to continue sending you my works. 

Once again, I so sorry about this problem. Hope you understand.


P/S : This Post was posted by my brother.



Please just focus on getting better, don't worry about posting


You have absolutely nothing to apologize for, your health comes first and foremost. I wish nothing but a speedy recovery and good health in your future, take as long of a hiatus as you need.

정현 박

Take care of yourself, buddy. Health is the best


Health always comes first! Get well soon, dude.


How dare you apologize and think your health is less important then your art. If you don't take all the time you need to recover i demand a refund! ;)

ali a m

get well at any pase you need we will wait


I hope your speedy recovery, take your time, don't worry and rest. the health is first.