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This is what my schedule is looking like for the month of September. My goals are to finish pinups every 2 weeks, but that my have to be pushed back. This is ideally the schedule I'm going to try and keep. :) 

It's also worth noting that all gold tier stuff updates every Tuesday, so that includes PSDs and preproduction work etc.

UPDATED - Sep 2nd. So I decided to shift the schedule of completed pages. One page will come out Tuesday and one for Friday. Since the pages are more dense, ambitious and have painted in backgrounds -- I need to take a load off my mind and separate when they get posted in a week. Giving myself a 3 day buffer will allow me to play catch up in case I fall behind. Of course, you'll still get two pages a week -- but hopefully now there'll be more of a steady stream rather than both at once and waiting a week. So far this policy doesn't need to change for gold/silver tiers, at least for the time being as I should have sketches and thumbnails definitely prepared. Thank you for your understanding!



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