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The pretty boys are back, in what troubles Tae is? Hmm

I enjoy from time to time to do Taekook, i hope you do to! They are so different in dynamic than Yoonmin that it take me more time to figure out the dialogues!

I hope you will like it tell me your thoughts!


Taekook after You Part II.mp4

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It was 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 and sad! Will there be a part 3 where they do talk things out and get together and stay together?


Hm they won’t magically get together in just one part 😂

Steph 💛💙

Awww...loved it! The angst...sheesh...and the side yoonmin how cute 😏 I hope you eventually do a part 3 where Tae has no escape and HAS to talk it out with Kookie 💜 They're so cute!!


Ehehe Tae is a pretty fish, he knows how to escape when he doesn’t want to face things 😂 at some point he will have to 🤷🏻‍♀️


Honestly some of your best work. Easily your best Taekook stuff. Would love to see this universe expanded and see what Jimin and Yoongi end up doing, maybe in their own miniseries. Not demanding for more just throwing out ideas. Great work again! Love it!


Omg this was so good. And my two favorite animes are side by side Beserk and Re: zero 😍. I know Tae has feelings for Jungkook but he doesn't want to admit it. I think he doesn't want to be vulnerable and something happened while he was away which is why he has such a change in his lifestyle. I really hope they make progress cause they look great together and Jungkook really cares. I feel bad for Yoongi cause he forgot Jimin's number 😂 but I know they will meet again, this is such a great deep story, I really enjoyed it. Jungkook pulling Tae's face close was everything 😳💜💜💜.


First of all - please continue their story! Jungkook is so precious! Second - YOONMIN cameo! I literally jumped when I saw them on my screen, please let us know how the things goes between those two Thread - I’m amazed by your skills of telling a story, visualizing and thinking outside of the box, just from showing only yoongi with rm since jin and hobi are in the military, and their faces is another level - both facial expressions and facial features, amazing! I feel the taste of more to come, you’re a genius 💜


Like you say the dynamic is different they all look so cool I really like it!!! It didn't take much to give in I think kookie is playing this right for what Tae needs while remaining a certain level of confidence ha. So there something his hiding or just something his afraid to say. Loved the connection and how he held him because honestly his hands always were touching and holding him. Those kisses, looks and stares 🔥🔥. Jimin looked so cute it's hard to not burst. I hope fate continues to bring them together and I'm not confident if his still got a job 😄


Te quedo hermoso, como todo lo que hace tu preciosa mente! Gracias por otra gran historia:) ame el pequeño momento yoonmin🌝 💜

Rebeca R. Correa

wow... part 2 as well? I came in the right time. need both passwords! love this story.


If you didn’t get the dm with the passwords Dm me please ^^


You're an artist ♡♡ I loved it. GOOD WORK!! And the ennd jajsjj Yoongi 💜


Thank you 🥰💕 I think I still love the wolf and the little prince more 🤧 For the yoonmin part we will see more of them, but I won’t focus too much on them as I think I have more interesting yoonmin characters Eheh


Eheh i think you’re a totally right. Tae has feelings for JK probably always had, probably had always fighted them. And something did happened when he was away. They will grow more and develop things for sure, but Tae will have to open himself. I love the animation too much of the pulling him in I will use it on Yoonmin one day for sure 😭 Yoongi is so mad at himself 😂 he was completely stun by the pretty clumsy boy!


I tried to show how muck JK matured and grown well. Even if he has deep scars. Loosing the love of his life and his bestfriend hurted him in different level. But he decided to still make his life worth living. Contrary to Tae. I think there is something he is hiding and things he is afraid to say too. Like the first time they were together JK was showing in his gestures that he didn’t want to let go, was grasping the moment, try to hold onto him, kisses him a lot. He stares that him full of wonder. Jimin is adorable little chick here 🥰 Honestly let’s be real, Tae got fired 🥹


I will continue ahah Thinking outside of the box is really what I’m trying to do the most so thank you so much for that huge compliment ! I’m glad you enjoy it so much 💕 Thank you so much 💖


Oh Gosh you made me cry😭😭😭Still with you in the background when JK remembers the times with Tae 😭😭😭😭You are so talented🤗🤗🤗💋💋💋❤️❤️❤️❤️


Glad you felt the emotions 🥺 Thank you so much 🥰💖


Omg love it can’t wait to see their story unfold and see Jimin and yoongi form


OMG🫣 That‘s so good. Thanks for the wonderful video😭. You must have spent a lot of time and nerves.❤️❤️❤️


Jungkook is sooooo in love with Tae, the way he's looking at him ! Can't wait for them to be together and happy ! I'm wondering what's going on with Tae ! AND, Jimin & Yoongi, I would like to see their side story, hope there will be one, one day ! :3 Thank you for this amazing work again ! 💕


Indeed this one was not the easiest to make 😭 I hate doing club scenes the most 🤧 But I’m happy with the end result so it’s ok! I’m glad you like it 🥹💖


He is totally in love with Tae ^^ always have been There is a lot going on with Tae we will see all about that Eheh 💕


Thank you so much for continuing this story. I really loved the first one when I watched it months ago and was waiting, hoping you’d do part 2. I can’t wait to see where the story will go I hope Tae will finally have the courage to talk things out with Kookie and for them to be together at last ♥️ Thank you for your hard work! 💕 And I really loved The Wolf and Little Prince, it’s my favorite 💖


I’m glad you like it 💖 I like working on this story a lot ! I don’t think Tae will want to talk very soon but things will get clearer at some point 🤧 I love the wolf and the little prince! Im actually really proud of this one 🥹


OMG i really love this story! I need the next chapter to see Yoonmin too 💜


Password isn't working 😭


Omg this one it’s my favorite of taekook so far. The best dialogue it was so hot 🥵🔥🔥🔥🔥