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I see that a lot of you have some questions or want to know more about some series like Fuckboyz, BDSM, Aphrodite, Kitty Gang and the King Fall, or others 👀

So I was thinking it will be funny to answer some of your questions regarding anything of any videos to understand the characters or events more. Or anything you want to know more of ! 🫣

Obviously I won’t spoil anything but we can talk !




First of all - you’re amazing for thinking about it! 🥹 Now for the questions (prepare yourself 😂) 1. About Fboys - are they really in love, or this is just chasing game for them? And how many episodes are you planning to do for them? 2. the BDSM story - is Yoongi really going with others? Or is he exclusively for Jimin? If not (probably not, since he’s someone you hire 😅) are are going to be together or fall in love? 3. Are you planning to continue the king and his flower videos? 4. Are you planning any threesome or foursome like the king and his flower and the kitty gang yoongi? Andddddd thank you again for all of your hard work 💜


Heh i love talking about stories and all so it’s fun for me 🤭💕 You can throw questions hehe 😌 1) They are really not in love yet, they didn’t have any conversation or anything deeper enough. But Yoongi is obsessed by him, that's what I showed in the last episode, and he is starting to understand Jimin behaviour, he is starting to see through the mask, and seeing him dance clearly awake something more than just desire and lust. But he is in the process of falling, not in love. Jimin is absolutely not self aware yet so for him it's just lust and knowing they match really well ^^ This series will require a lot of patience, they are both real real fuckboys, have been for years, have reasons to act how they act, and even if one of them understand their feelings they will not just simply magically date and be all lovey dovey, it will take times, communication, things happening and changing. I want their relationship to be complex. They will have more than 10 episodes! 2) BDSM, it was actually a really hard choice to choose if Yoongi would only have one sub but i though it was a plot too obvious and use. So he has other subs but he is different with Jimin. They will def fall in love at some point ! 3) eheheh I have something planned. The more huge thing of my channel. But I can’t work on it before September! 4) I don’t know yet! 3somes and 4somes are long and complicated to film. I will do one but dont know who yet !


no questions, just want to say i lob you ♡


I lubbbb you too. Thank you for being here baby 💖 But you can ask questions I like questions 😤


This is fun 😁. 1) I love your room designs I always think there so cool and always so different. Do the characters and the story influence the way you design a room? Or does the room come first? 2) what do you enjoy most about making your stories? P.s September sounds interesting 😉 you're so creative and I'm sure there's so much in-store for us.


You pretty much answered everything I wanted to know! BUT! For Kitty gang, is there a way to know his background story? How did he became a gang leader and how is this world linked with the king and his flowers universe? 🥰


Eheh it’s really fun for me too 🤭 1) I design most of bedrooms, but some house, rooms I find them and download them, but I always add details and decors. Generally it’s always after the characters design and what I know of them. It’s not always easy because I’m limited with what I find for the game and not always had everything to create what I want or need! But the characters will always influence their rooms. For example Jimin in BDSM bedroom is really simple, soft, cute, when is way of behaving is fiery and assured, maybe there is hidden things here 🤭 I only regret the design of Yoongi apartment in the fuckboy series. I would change the aesthetic if I could but it’s too late now ^^ 3) I love creating characters the most, I love choosing how they will act, what are their past. I like the build and angst and how they will communicate emotions. Emotions is always my main focus in every story! And I love when you guys get touched and involved with them! Eheh I can’t wait for September 🤭 I’m moving apartement and country at the end of agust so normally in September I will finally be at peace for a while and can produce more easily and I have the biggest project, it’s been 2 years that I want to do it so I can’t wait 😭


Hi I love your work. Would you consider a threesome in the future? Maybe I was thinking maybe yoonminkook?? That could be fun. I am interested to see how


No Questions cause I love surprises😇🥰😘💋❤️


I would never never add any other members between yoonmin, I won’t do poly. For me it’s only yoonmin I won’t break it !


Instead of feeling answered I feel more interested to ask more and more, it only says good things about you 😉 Thank you for answering me and I will wait patiently to all of your upcoming posts 😍


Sounds really cool big life changes but I'm sure for the better thanks it's so interesting I enjoy learning things about what goes into the final result 😀


First of all, I am not good at English. I use the translate function, so please don't mind if I don't get the message across well. Anyway, I want to tell you that your work is wonderful and the best work that I can't enjoy anywhere else. Thank you for everything. Now, to the main question. As I mentioned, I am not good at English and cannot learn it quickly. Therefore, I stop the dialogue parts and transcribe everything for my enjoyment. Then I realized that all the stories (even if I omit the unscripted sex scenes) are as good as novels. In other words, the stories must be excellent. Here's my question: do you have any plans to publish your work, or a compilation of just the text (dialogue) of your favorite works among them? Yes, like a novel. Of course, you don't have to add anything. All of us here enjoy the images as well, and the dialogue alone is very valuable, just reading it moves yoonmin in my head and I can understand the story. Of course we need the visuals too, but anyway I love your stories and I want to immerse myself in your work not only visually but also in my brain. (For example, I would love to read it on the train during my commute to work.) Would it be weird if I like it too much 🤭 but it really is my ideal yoonmin and I don't think I can enjoy yoonmin anywhere else but here anymore! Replies are optional, thank you so much for reading to the end. (I wish you a successful translation...)


Totally understandable and I respect that! I hope you’re not offended I asked. I love your work regardless you know. I am poly myself so I’m always curious to see more of that representation in fics and stories I read.


I also hope that my own personal preferences are not being shamed in anyway as I’m really not trying to pressure you or anyone else here on their own preferences. I felt like noting that as someone else had commented on this post their opinion even though it was a question directly for you.


So no possibility of a threesome? Imagine agust d, Suga, yoongi and Jimin. That would be wild.


I feel like sex and relationships are not exclusive. threesomes don’t always equal polyamorous.


do you have any stories in the future where yoongi will be the sub? I'm so curious what that would look like. (sorry for the english mistakes)


It depends if you mean sub as submissive in a bdsm occurrence, or if you mean bottom. As it is two really different things !


I’m not offended you asked ! You have absolutely the right to kindly ask anything! 💖 it’s just I stated multiple time in the past that I wouldn’t do jikook or sope or vmin or any ship that would break Yoonmin. And I understand that you would want to see more representation in term of poly! It’s just that for me it’s really not an easy subject when you are not yourself I feel like, because I have read poly stories and it’s sometimes not well bringed and not well treated! I think it’s a complex subject to do well and I know nothing about it, so when it’s with 2 Jimin or 2 Yoongi when it’s totally unrealistic it’s easy, I already did it 3 times and can do it, but when you would treat an actual relationship with 3 differents people it’s something else and I know that I wouldn’t do a good job at it, since I’m not well informed on it. And yes threesome and polyamorous is different but most of my stories speak about feelings. I rarely do porn without plot and love the most focusing on different emotions. And also 4somes and 3somes are way more long and difficult. Everytime I add a sims for any scene it’s double the time. So I need to have a solid idea to do it.


You write really well and I understand it really easily! You are adorable! And thank you so much for liking my stories so much that you have to use a translator to understand it but still do it 💖 It funny because yesterday I was thinking that it would be fun to write a shory like a thread on twitter like so writers do! But I’m always thinking back in my head that I’m not a good writer, that I don’t write well. I think I’m good with ideas and filming and all but with the actual dialogues and text and all I always feel like I’m lacking. So I would like it one day, but I need to gain more confidence in it ^^


This is all so interesting! The complexity of putting these together. I commend you for your work. Honestly that’s why I’m here. I love your work a lot. Yoonmin is so pretty and lovely. I read alot of slow burn usually so I’m gonna gravitate towards these types of stories. I’m pretty new here so I definitely missed that information about other ships somehow. I appreciate you taking time to respond.


Wow...I have no words for your lovely reply. But I will post again! I will shout my persistent love! First of all, I am very relieved that my wish(?) was conveyed in a positive way. And since it is natural for the giving author to feel inadequate, I would be very happy if you could make the text part of Patron work once you are satisfied with it 💜 I enjoy your work as if it were a movie and as if it were a novel, with just the transcribed dialogue (even without explanation of actions, etc., which is sufficient). One look of your moving yoonmin can make me happy for the rest of the day. My only regret is that the language you use is not my native language. I would like to be able to take all contexts correctly! Phew...I'm so touched to finally be able to tell you in person💜 Your work is an essential content for me to live by. I will continue to support you all the way! From someone who loves your work. Thank you 🥰


I always tried to respond to every comment, and I’m thankful for every support since it means a lot to me. I do also prefer slow burn above everything so I always prefer to add more plot and development. Since some people prefer the porn side of my stories the easiest is to make fuck buddies that develop feelings after ! It’s ok if you miss the information don’t worry but yeah it’s something I’m really vocal about because it’s been asked many times and I’m really against it. I’m faithful to my ship and I’m not inspired by other including Jimin or Yoongi. Like I would never be able to come up with a story 🤧


Your comment make me really happy 😭💖 you are so sweet and adorable! I’m glad you can enjoy it! English is not my native language either so it’s not always easy even for me 🤧 but it’s the easiest way! Maybe one day you will become more comfortable with it, I started to be more fluent with English by translating some words in fanfictions. At first you translate full sentences and at some point it become less and less, just a few words here and there. Thank you for support me 🥰💕


I didn’t wanted to say it. But the first thing that will drop will be the prequel of The King fall, and will focus on Kitty gang back story. But it will stay unfocus until some event happen 🫣 Kitty gang and Flower do have a link smh 🤫 Thing is you can’t become Kitty Gang without messed up things happening so it will be angsty.


Hello! First of all, I want to tell you that I really like your work, your art and that I really respect your decisions regarding the ships and what you like to show in your videos, and that I'm here because they coincide with my tastes! 🥰 The question that I have and that I usually have with those who create videos and illustrations is, how do you organize your stories?, to put them together and not confuse yourself with the different personalities, since they are the same characters but with different approaches. I read in one of your answers that you don't write aus because you feel like you're not good at it, but I imagine you write something for your videos? I'm curious to know how you organize your ideas because the amount of content you share is impressive and that they are all different and really good.😍 This is a question more at the level of you as a creator than about the stories. I have some questions about the stories that I have clarified by reading the rest of your answers. How long can we ask questions? I would like to know more about the stories but I want to take my time so as not to end up asking nonsense 😅 Thank you!


You can ask whatever you want under this post for as long as you need I will come back to it ! Ok it will be maybe surprising and kinda look crazy. But I write absolutely nothing. Nothing. No plot, no storyline, no dialogues, no scenario, not once before filming. I’m kinda insomniac, so to be able to sleep I imagine the next video. So before filming I have an idea of a full scenario and of some dialogues. I kinda go with the flow while filming, I try to find animations that fit what I envisioned then when I edit I will also go with the flow with the dialogues. I only have the subject they will talk about while filming but come with the sentences while editing, and generally build the characters development the most at this moment. If I feel like I miss a scene for the video I will come back to film and add a scene. In conclusion, a mess. I have a lot of imagination, I have already 5 full stories that I could make as a movie but I just miss time. I wish I could’ve have some help for editing because that’s the hardest for me to keep focus, like the cut of every angle of every scene takes hours and is really hard for me because it’s not creative at all 😂 I Hope it answer the question 🤔


First of all I hope you're doing well 🩷 I hope things calmed down a little bit for you. I wanted to ask, I love your work and I have so much respect for artists. What always strikes me in your videos is the decor, the atmosphere. Everything is SO well thought and put together! I guess my question is how do you come up with it? Do you just let your imagination wander or do you know exactly how you want it to be ? I hope it makes sense haha thank you for your hard work always 🩷


Oh, wow!! I think that's even more impressive! Kissing your brain right now! 😅 I mean, there are so many stories and you just go with the flow? Maybe that makes them even more "real"? There is no preparation for what will happen next, although you already have your happy ending in mind. You really do have a great imagination 😍 Thanks for your answer 😘


Yeah, like in a bdsm occurrence. Thanks for answering :) for now I only had time to watch 2 movies. But it's great! I m really enjoying!!😊


That make them more real but it’s a little risky that at some point I make them a past that won’t make sense with what they said in a past episode 😂 I remember most of it but lot 100% For BDSM I had to watched the episode one again before making the second to be sure of what they talked about so I don’t do any mistakes 😂 I do know how every story ends and I know main events that will take places but not all so I can add more story and more things happening ! ^^


Thank you for asking 💖 I’m doing not bad! I Hope you’re ok too! Well for decorating I have a lot of objects that I download and sometimes entire build to gain more time, and I will had lights, details, more clutters and life. Some I make them entirely. Generally I really go with the flow, I have an general idea of what I want but I will create a room based on the items I have. It’s way easier to create modern build than Aphrodite scenes for example. Jimin rooms in Aphrodite was really complicated to make because there is almost non existent Ancient Greek object, so I had to deal with what could work. The light is always the most important for me. If I don’t like the light of a room I will hate the video ^^ But yes generally I have a rough idea and I let it wander and create. Sometimes I have a full vision but can’t fully create it. Like the kitty Gang apartment, I started it 4 times and I still don’t have it like I want it. I can’t find a way to have what I exactly want so it’s not easy !


Hello :D How are you doing ? Well, me, I'm doing great because I spent the day watching The King Fall, which, I repeat (I commented on youtube) is a masterpiece. I used to watch the short verions of videos you posted on Twitter and never went to look further until today and I wonder why !! I will keep watching the others, I am truly curious about your other works (especially with aphrodite ? and Kitty gang Jimin). I have few questions so I'll write them... 1. Where do find all these inspirations ? 2. Do you write fanfic ? Do you read them ? I've been thinking since a while about making sims videos too, but never really did (I did few, only for me, and not yoonmin). But, watching your work, it give me the want to try (I'll never be as talented as you but anyway, it's for fun) So I have few questions about the process : (oh wait I sent the reply but I wasn't done) 3. How do you prepare the videos ? How do you film ? Do you write the story or film with anything you have in mind ? 4. I have WW and I guess you film the +18 scenes like that, but how do you do for not +18 scenes ? (Filming sims doing things is a pain in the ass lol) And on more personal side : 5. What do you love about Yoonmin in general ? Are they your OTP ? (Given that you spent 70+ hours on a video of them.. .I suppose yes lol) 6. What's your favorite song of BTS ? 7. What are your fav ships in bts aside Yoonmin ? 8. Why did you start making these videos and when ? (It's really impressive how good they are, it's real movies !) 9. I have a last question : is it your job or do you have a job? Because 70+ hours for a video omg! It's a full time job!!! Anyway, sorry for the many questions ! Thank you for your hard work ♥ I'm really thankful that I can watch those :)


Hello Eheh ! I’m glad you enjoyed the series of King Fall! I was still really new to making sims videos so I don’t like them now I see the problems too much 😂 the ones to come will be better 1) I have insane imagination, could write 5 stories a day so it just keep coming. Everything can inspire me, and my life too. 2) I don’t write fanfic, I read sometimes but I don’t really have time for it ^^ I was reading more in 2018 3) I will be really honest I’m really uncomfortable with this, and it’s not you at all. When I started doing sims video we were 3 accounts BTS sims and I was the only one doing videos. Since now there is A LOT, a lot that I « inspired » doing videos and that literally are taking everything from me, stories, way of editing, way of filming, just copying. Some of them that were soooo friendly at first with me and that I helped and now are b*tches that spit on me when I opened the doors for them. So I don’t share anything about my process anymore 🥹 I don’t write anything I just filmed the idea I have in mind because the movies is already fully in my head! 5) I love the tension between Yoonmin the most, they are my OTP, my name is literally you know I know ^^ I love that Yoongi will always go out of his way and be all over Jimin, always having his arms around him or near him when it’s so out of character for him. I love their looks to each other, i love how it seems to have some tension and desire. I don’t pretend Yoonmin is real, but if they were, they would matched so well. 6) inner child / let me know 7) I like Taekook too, Namjin as side ship I love, I don’t mind at all 2seok of vhope or namkook but honestly I’m more inspired by Yoonmin then Taekook. 8) I started making videos because I couldn’t work when Covid hit because i was a events and wedding photographer. I just had money on Amazon and couldn’t rank higher in Overwatch since I was grand master. I was gaming a lot and bought the sims. Then I made BTS in sims, then I had the idea to make a trailer for Ukiyo and then I was wait I can make my own stories. 9) it’s now my full time job yes, since 2021. But I still do wedding for my contacts. I’m a videast and photographer real life, I have 3 degrees and diploma, and I’m good at gaming, that’s why I was able to be good fast with the sims. Because it’s just being a videast and photographer in 3D^^ I Hope i answered most of your questions 🥰 thank you for asking them! I have fun answering questions ^^


I can't wait to watch the other series then, because the King Fall is so good, I think I'll be mindblown with the rest! 3. I understand, don't worry! Even if I wanted to be "inspired" I would be so far from being just as good ! But with what happened in the past, I understand that you're not at ease with sharing! It will remain mystery :p. People can be really awful sometimes... pretending to be nice and then being bitches to you. Sorry for that!!! 5. You described their chemistry so well ♥ It's impossible not to love them really! 8. I remember seeing your video for Yukiyo back then, just as I was reading it, omg my feels !!! I'm glad you realised you could make your own stories hehe! 9. Woaaah congrats !! You seem to have many talents! Thank you for sharing them with us! Thank you for your reply :D


Now I’m even more INTRICATE about it! How do you do thAttt? 🔥🔥🔥