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Here they are!!
Honestly I think they are the ones I love working with the most, they are just so intense and interesting I have their whole story plan and it's so fun to just be able to make it almost as well as I imagine it !

⚠️ In this episode they both fuck with other people but remember THEY ARE FBOY

like not the one that will fall in love as first sight and quite everything instantly. They have a lot of work to do on themselves and together, and both good reasons to act how they act. They will figured their things slowly eheh.

So I really hope you will like it! Tell me your thoughts and what will happened next?

Password: fbfb44theylovebathrooms


Fboy x fboy part IV.mp4

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Gosh you expressed Yoongi's inner turmoil so well. Can Jin pls just lock them in a room until they figure themselves out? 😁


Thank you love 😭😭😭 i really try to focus on it, that was the most important side of this episode 🥹 Well Jin does have a beach house 😶


you do such an amazing job at expressing their emotions!! i can't wait to see how it all plays out. out of curiosity, do you have an idea of how long you want to carry on this series?


Thank you so much 🥹 I tried my hardest I’m so glad I succeeded in showing conflicting emotions 🥹 Well I have the next 3 episode planned 🤧 after that we will see where we are


tbh I've been on a YKIK video marathon on here ;] I love being fed also yoonmin make me feel so many emotions here very happy & yet so sad I want to hug them both :/ once again you nice keep going I proud of u, your hard work really pays off. <3


There is a lot of videos now 🤣 but the more you go down the more the quality wasn’t as good, Im still learning so 🤣 They both deserve a hug! Thank you so much 🥺💖


You’re amazing! Please keep feeding us with their story, I want to know how it will become between them 💜


Damn that was really good, I can already see yoongi is realizing jimin means more than just Fbuddies especially with those flashback scenes and jimin isn't quite sure why he is bothered by yoongi with other ppl but he will slowly figure it out. This is so gonna hurt for a bit until they both face their feelings. Thank you for another amazing video can't wait to see what becomes of the fboyz💜


My heart hurt so much watching this one. I feel so bad for both of them 😭 This was amazing as always! 🥰💗


You really are an amazing storyteller. I think this is moving just at the right pace, It holds just the right amount of angst. I got goosebumps at points I loved the way he imagined them kissing that was one of the points the feelings and emotions hit They are hurting themselves that's for sure time is definitely what they need I like this a lot thank you. It's perfect honestly ☺️


NOOOOOOO i don't want it to end yet 😭😭 omg what is going on??? yoongi imagining /kissing/ jimin while cumming on someone's face??? is he going soft?? and when they finally had sex in the bathroom i felt all the tension explode 😫😫😫 but then jimin immediately went to have sex with the other guy UGH they're just hurting themselves and each other. i know you said they still have a long way to go but still to me it feels like they're already in love, they're just too stubborn or stupid to see it ... and "jimin is jimin" 🥹🥹🥹🥹 i already told you but i just adore when you do those close ups on their faces when they're really close to each other 😭 and once again jimin is so freaking pretty like omg???

Steph 💛💙

Angst on top of angst with more angst sprinkled all over 🤭 oh my goodness! Ok well, I agree with a lot of what has been said already...they're hurting each other BUT it's also great character development in the process, so there's that 😉 and I also LOVE all the looks they give each other when the other isn't aware...like when the girl was talking to Yoongi during the party and Jimin was zoned out staring at them but still kind of in the conversation with his friends, the longing and love was totally obvious 😊 I'm just loving where you're going with this even if it's causing all of us some anxiety lol 😆 🥰


I love it!!! With Kitty gang and a gif from Aprhodite it's my favourite story 💖💖💖 I can't wait to see how the story continues 😍 Thank you so much 💕💕💕


* gift of Aphrodite sorry 😅😋


Love like always, this part is amazing ! When will they finally accept their feeling 😮‍💨 Thank you again for this work of art ! ❤️‍🔥


Damn, Jimin doesn't have a clue about his feelings, he seems so lost/confused/unaware and at some point dissociated from their inner self, I love they way you portrait angst and how reluctante Yoongi's from accepting his feelings toward Jimin, I'm so into this!




He is really not self aware 😭 Jimin is absolutely not in thune with his emotions. You give me the best compliment omg, trying to portrait angst is not the easiest so that make me really happy 🥺 Yoongi knows he is doomed if he fall for Jimin, for someone that claim he will never do feelings, both are a scary pick for that 🤧


Eh at some point they will face it 🤷🏻‍♀️ but not yet 😂


I love angst what can I say 🫢 I’m sorry I’m causing you anxiety 🫣🫢🫢 or am I Eheh at some point they will have to face things 🤣


He is totally going soft for Jimin oh oops 🫢 like calling Jimin name while being suck by another guy, CUMMING while imagining KISSING (??? The one saying I don’t usually kiss and that last time said I wont kiss you, but isn’t that all he wants to do ? ) honestly poor guy 🤣 Jimin was being flirt with this guy all party he knew how it will end, but he needed yoongi in between to find pleasure and cum 🫣 I would analyse that if I were him I won’t say it’s love because they don’t know each other well enough because they don’t talk enough yet, but it’s also not just physical, there is a pull between them. But Yoongi is really down the road fast, because Jimin is Jimin ✨ I love filming close up too, so we knows what Yoongi is looking and focusing it on, it’s good to see his pov 🫢 Jimin is pretty but he will go deadly next episode 🫢🫢🫢 Thank you so much for a really details comment, make me so happy 🥰💖


Thank you so much that’s the best compliment 😭 I love telling stories so much 🥹 Yes I think it was really telling that he was imagining him kissing him more than anything especially to climax 🤧 They need time, awakening, and communication 🥴 Thank you so much 🥺💖


This was so good! I worked a couple of extra hours to be able to pay for this subscription. Only for this month cause I won’t be able to work cause finals and summer classes need to be pay for so gotta budget, I’m be eating ramen and water but your work is worth it!!! This story about these two is my most favorite .They feel that pull to each other but can’t connect on emotional level because they won’t allow it they have this huge wall build but its coming down slowly ahhhh it’s their connection that’s insatiable can’t quite say love because they haven’t allow more that what they are giving but they trust each other in a level of intimacy which is they like to pleasure each other a lot more than rather just fuck like the randoms they are with you can see jimin zoning out waiting for his fucks to be over and yoongi just imagining jimin ahhhh yoongi messed up cause jimin was vulnerable in the last episode but yoongi closed him off the one time jimin wanted to stay over yoongi is hurt and didn’t want to acknowledge the hurt so he shut him out instead. Ahhhh thank you for all your hard work not only is just good but your story telling is *chefs kiss* I really do appreciate your hard work I love reading alot more than visual but you made me love your videos!!!


Your comment almost made me cry. I don’t want you in a hard position because of me 😭 you need to take care of you and eat well!! But you described them so well, it’s exactly that. They have enormous wall, like the one in game of thrones. You really described it so well, it’s exactly that and a good summary! I’m glad you enjoy them as much as I enjoy making them 😭🤧💕


Ojalá puedan arreglar las cosas, aclarar sus sentimientos y entenderse, amarse y aceptarse a si mismos para que puedan reconocer el amor que se tienen…. Gracias por la historia espero la continuación con ansias


Before I watch this can I know who it is it one of the other guys or is it just some random person?


No lol I love to explain but I’m embarrassed