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In the final moments, Ashley gathers courage to finally spill her secret. But you silence her. Your initial shock and confusion are now gone, and acceptance takes over. She wasn’t always the cute bridesmaid you see before you, but none of that matters now. You simply just need her body. As the weight of this confession settles, Ashley, with a sly smile, calls you to bed, bending over slowly, and making sure she’s positioned correctly. She admits she’s had previous experience at a wedding in the past… although, at that point, she was the one about to take the bridesmaid to bed… You tell her you’re glad you get to ensure she has a similar experience, as your hands find their way to her hips. The little gasp she makes as you squeeze only begins the start of an amazing night…

(There we go! Hope you all dug this format for posts, let me know if you do! I might do it more if you dig the storytelling feel. It was pretty fun to write! Ashley ❤️)




No illusion shattered only dream fulfilled. 🥰

Philip B

Marry me Ashley, 💘