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Your girl may be a little more quiet than usual this week… or maybe not… at this point I post content almost every day… so I guess I really haven’t been quiet at all lol 😂 But it’s only because I may have gotten a bit of my writer’s bug back recently and have really been writing like crazy… on multiple stories. It’s been insane 😁 Plus, it means you guys will get exclusive access to my writing stuff soon 😜 Also yeah, I’m actually known as one of the internet’s best TG Fiction writers if any newcomers didn’t know - that was kinda how I got my start… Also, not my words, but I’ll certainly take the title if it’s out there 🥰 Also yes, very old pic, but felt fitting to the theme here 😘




New subscriber, have read all of your erotic stories on here and really enjoyed them. Looking forward to more

Philip B

What a cute & beautiful girl you are 💘💘