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It usually means you get off to 😈




"When the Catsuit Comes Off 🖤" I'm waaaayy past ready to pounce🐾 on you, Ashley - you're my irresistible catnip! 💘 💗 And like a playful, friendly furry😺purry fawning over its favorite plush toy, I plan to make you purr - time and time.... ⏳ 💛 .... again - starting with kisses😽 at that delectable cat treat of a navel🍊, followed by a low belly rub going lower.... 🤍 .... with no "paws" in between for you to catch your breath🌬️ I'll "get off" when I drive you to crazy🤪 cat zoomies! ᘉ3Λ0lI 🌹

Philip B

Ashley ,, I get off bye you all the time THANK YOU