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I mean... the phrase has always gone: When you can't get a girlfriend become the girlfriend... right? I'm just taking it that extra level this week 😜




Bite me....bite me!


"Going Down... 😈" 🤎 Never as much before in my existence on this planet have I wanted.... needed.... to be.... 💘 💗 .... sandwiched🥪 between a duo of cartoon characters such as these brought to life by my favorite cosplay artist.... 3-someone, anyone? 👨‍👧‍👧 🖤 Ashley, congratulate your photographer on her photomontage and image layering camerawork📸 for me.... damn inventive.... 🤳🏻 🤍 .... and seamless, it's almost as if there really ARE two👯‍♀️ of you! And if there are, I sorely need to double‼️up on my.... 😇 .... seduction skills🤭 I do think every girlfriend - even if they have a gf - still needs a handy man around.... 😈 143 🌹