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I wonder who they could possibly be talking about from this podcast excerpt? lol 😝


They're talking about us, Imgur

I don't know who the person on the other end of the line could possibly be talking about that cosplays on Imgur and whose comments sound like that... Do you and I need to go to couple's counseling Imgur? :D This is just trimmed down to my favorite part - the whole interview is fascinating...



The caller is an ally. They made the positive comment, and have been down voted by people misgendering and the caller doesnt give a shit. That's how I understood it.


The caller specifically says that they don’t care whether ‘she’ is a ‘he’ — and (rightly) complains that he’s being pushed (by idiots in the Imigur comments), to innately care what’s between someone’s legs. The male caller is an ally. Perhaps because he sounds like a rube on the moonshine at 9am, I fear the lady on the left of our screen assumed that he was dissing the (anonymous
 hmmm) cosplayer when, in fact, he was lamenting some idiot commenter on Imagurs’ comments who *was* pointing at gonads instead of getting on with enjoying the cosplay. When we’re on the defensive all the time, sometimes we miss something or someone actually saying something supportive or nice or plain accepting:— Presenter: “So you had a wank to a cosplayer dressed as your favourite female character and you’re stressed to find out they have a penis?” Caller: “NO!” The caller had stated that they didn’t care. It’s a shame that clip was cut short (edited), before we saw/heard the presenter apologise for assuming the wrong thing instead of listening — which is, after all, the entire point of a fucking podcast: listening.


P.S.: I followed the link for the full version of the podcast at Trans-Atlantic (https://youtu.be/SOauFX2AnRI). The short clip we were presented with here and on Imigur (however it’s spelt), was edited and cut-up to fuck from much, much longer material. The edit totally changed what was really said on the show and was hacked around in such a way that its meaning became nonsense. I now regret defending the (male) caller on trans issues because he wasn’t saying what we thought he was saying. Not that many viewers understood or agreed about what was being said anyway. It was all about clicks and likes instead. Sadly, I do feel tricked and a bit foolish now, being honest. When one listens to the whole section of the podcast, the caller, whilst (on the whole) well-meaning, is obviously a bit of a simpleton. Not the right word, I know. His accent/voice sure didn’t help dissipate that conclusion, poor sod. It was embarrassing listening because he’s, clearly, somewhat backwards and innocent in that “mental defects from birth” sort of meaning. Basically, he personally does not like surprises. At all. Or anything intended to have shock value in the realm of human body modification, expansion or self-mutilation. My guess is that he doesn’t like shocking television shows or films or false advertising either (but that’s just a guess). Turns out, he says he doesn’t like ‘traps’ or ‘she-males’ (yes, I know), yet simultaneously doesn’t mind trans people at all — but his delicate sensitivities and Down’s syndrome-like sensibilities didn’t care for surprises or shocks. Whether that was to do with a disability such as a pre-existing nervous condition or congenital mental disability, we’ll never know now. I’m disappointed with myself mostly, for believing someone I trust would present even a thirty second clip as an honest summary rather than manipulated controversy to centre a spotlight. Anyone can do that. The idea is to stay above that by being real and honest. Particularly to yourself. But I’m also quite disappointed by the fact that — what was intended to be a little fun — actually turned into a sad little episode which shamed everyone involved. Everyone. Including all the genuine commenters on Patreon and Imigur who reacted (vigorously, in some cases), to the OP’s misleading clip, just as I did too. Please, please, if you absolutely have to edit, make clips *longer* to maintain the context. Or, preferably, don’t edit a short statement (at all), let it stand. Thank you so much. “With great/some power comes
”, etc. đŸ˜Ș