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I took some pictures in character as Britta... πŸ˜‚ The joke here is mostly for me, but you basically have to know from the show that she's terrible at photography. Example A: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HTOjzZs8EA

Also, the Community jokes on the post yesterday truly made my whole month, I love you guys ❀️ And I swear after tomorrow, no more Community jokes and we can go back to me being sexy and seductive, but thanks for indulging in my absurd sense of humor this week 😝



Claire deMars

I'm positive I have that jacket. More importantly, I thought it said "as Britney," and the blonde kind of went with it, so maybe there's an idea lol


Your legs, hips and ass look amazing in those jeans 😍😍😍