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I love October, but I also did so many costumes from your requests that I won’t even be able to put them all in this Spooky Month 😝So I’m sharing this preview of next week’s set here, and on Imgur today… I enjoy messing with the straight guys over there so jump over if you ever want to see them lost it lol 😈 Imgur Link: https://imgur.com/gallery/vtYYVWx 

Tomorrow’s Hotel Set is going to be hot! And this Cosplay set for next week won’t disappoint - I always rock a redhead look hehe I also will be sure to post up my Halloween Costume on Sunday for you guys! October was definitely a good month to be an Ashley fan, but it only gets better from here ❤️



DJ Martin III

My Spidey senses are running crazy!!! 😉😍😘


Gabba Gabba Hey! I wish I was Peter Parker.