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Putting on my best "fierce"  with this X-23 Cosplay! AKA: Me as Female Wolverine ๐Ÿ˜ There are so many puns to be made with the fact that I portraying an "X-Men" here, but I will let you make up your own ๐Ÿ˜‰ As always, I have some fun new sets coming soon: Another fun little Casual Set, A Sexy New Pink Lingerie Set, and I'm putting together a "Getting Ready for Date Night" Set for Valentine's Day. Which will basically be me getting ready for our date ๐Ÿ˜˜ Should all be very fun โค๏ธ



Claire deMars

I do a lot of sketches of your eye makeup as part of my own attempt at getting better at it and I have to say that I absolutely love this one! Begs the question: What brand / palette do you usually use?


Oooo!! Good question, in my date night set coming up you will actually be able to see some of the stuff I use close up including that pallete!


So wild and sexy. I love it.