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Patreon's new update really blew up my message inbox... basically every message I have ever gotten is now marked as "unread"... So if I am a little slower than normal to respond lately in there, that is why - I am trying to clean it all up again. Speaking of messages -- feel free to DM me here on Patreon! I try as best as I can to respond to inquiries, questions, and comments there! (And if I have ever missed sending you a message back, don't give up! I try my best to at least message everyone back that I can!)

Outside of that - I have some fun stuff planned! New Satin Set goes up tomorrow, my AMAZING NEW ANGEL set goes up next week, then a fun Christmas and New Year's themed set annnndddd drumrolllllllll - I am thinking of doing a short little video tour of my room as my audio this month! Will give you the layout and make a few dumb jokes, and I may actually say hi briefly on camera *gasp* - I know right? That's the plan at least  ❤️


David Thomas

We all await your video tour most anxiously.


I can't wait to finally see you in a video.