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My loved one I've been taking care of since January has passed on. This week I took my own personal trek up to Leavenworth, WA, where of all places I went to the Fish Hatchery up there. Probably sounds kind of funny but it's a place we used to go when we were growing up together, and it felt like a good place to go to honor them and to get out of the city for a bit. I basically had free run of the place to see all the baby salmon and get a little tour, despite how windy and cold it was 😂 So I basically got a one woman tour from the guides.

I just wanted to follow up with this post since I know some of you were curious. I'm doing okay, and I'm eager to get back to a "normal" schedule, one with less hotels and hospitals. And I am very eager to dive back in to continuing to make amazing content for you all, and share even more of me with you ❤️

Thank you all so much for the support through all of this, it means the world. Expect me to also be able to get back to answering DM's on a bit more of a normal schedule, always love chatting with you all 😘




So sorry for you loss, their suffering and pain has ended. I have lost too many lived ones to long illnesses. There will come a day when it won't hurt so much.


I’m very sorry for your loss, Ashley. Losing a loved one, even when expected, is never easy. Take comfort in the fact that your friend is at peace now, and that there’s had a wonderful person like you with them through it all