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Starr is a very huggie type of gal~




She looks like she just left the set of a Redneck Porno


Friends forever. <3


Nice use of patterns on the sound effect text of panel 1, and the background of panel 3! It really adds to the bimbo-ey feel of her introduction. Same with the magenta gradient of the 3rd panel's SFX text. It's very cute!


You'd think the detective would have gotten a new base of operations after half the team got compromised. Not that I'm complaining about Starr's return!


Mmm oh this is splendid, heh, we've gotten all the new bimbos in one chapter~ She sure looks good


A shining Starr of sexy beauty~

John Veltri

I'm wary of 2 people who could double cross the group. Candy and Bernice. Candy because she works for Byland so whose to say that he just turned her back to normal in exchange for her cooperation. Bernice because she used to date Byland and I find it strange that 3 characters in this story that have names starting with the letter "B", Brett Byland, Baron Byland, and Bernice "Fitz", if that is her real name. I think she's an undercover spy for Byland.