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Hey there~ I've got this week peek at Brightshore ready for you as Chels meets back up with Bernice before the action continues~ ^^




ruh roh...have we been Deflected?


I still say Candy is a plant. Spellcheck for final version: First panel: affected, not effected Sadie and Candy names aren't capitalized in ink version.


A lot of nice panels here, dude! I like that you added a little establishing shot in the first panel, of Bernice inside the hideout, but viewed via the window outside. I also like the lil character pose you did with Bernice in panel 4 leaning back on her chair, unintentionally showing off her breasts, and Chelsea's lil timid look of lying to her, on panel 2. the pose also causing a bit of tit squeeze, heh. I also like you attempted a lil use of perspective in panel 5, of Chelsea behind Bernice in space. Adds a lot to the experience. Great work so far, dude!

Juan Lopez

The fact Bernice mentions Blyand's magic makes me think Candy may have progressed along.


Mm I love Bernice, looking good with them jugs out