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I have this weeks page all colored up for you today and I hope you enjoy~ Are you loking forward to what happens next? I sure hope so!~




Um yes yes I am. I wanna see who's next!


There's gonna be some interesting pages coming.~

Cole jones

I'm excited for what's next I'm hoping someone will be changed soon. Also this page was released pretty early that's weird.

John Riendeau

I can't believe it was that easy

Sayori -

Do they not realize they are infected cause they got the make up on like Wilma

Sayori -

When your a bimbo would you go to a library. Unless your a bimbo librarian

Abe Sedecim

I would say that clue was to easy, but then again this is an island full of bimbos. Whether it's a test or a trap, that remains to be seen.