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All colored up and ready to go~ I hope you enjoy this week update for Brightshore~ And of course look forward to whats to come next~ ^^




Huh, in the final panel, looks like Bernice's makeup is gone. I see two outcomes again. He's teleported the two to a clothing store, and they're slowly gonna both be "Brightshore'd".~

Stan Verox

I wonder what that book is, the Necrobimbonomicon? What ever it is, it is giving Byland Chad energy, and the power to bimbofy anything within his peripheral vision.

Bennett Billard

Does Sara have more midriff showing, or am I seeing things?

Abe Sedecim

I know the bad guy has already declared his own victory, but I'm hoping that will make it all the more satisfying if he finally takes a fall. Magic has a way of coming back to you threefold when you least expect it.


Ruh roh Raggy.


Kinda on-topic, but it would be interesting if in one of these TF-stories, the villains flub up a permanent bimbofy spell on a victim, and despite now looking and talking like one forever, their intellect is fully intact, and is now immune to any further mind or TF alterations. Like, this dumb-looking bimbofied character is the only one who can topple this "slowly turn every girl into a bimbo" plan, at the cost of her own appearance and mannerisms. It could also be funny if the character in question was also a bit of an idiot in the first place, so it's making the nullification extra potent lol. Like a Casshan thing, but even more absurd. Just some thoughts that were going through my head, while looking at these "doomed scenario" TF stories.


I love how stunned they are in his. brazen claim at the end xD I can only assume they're gonna regroup and either get depressed over not being able to do anything or focus all resources on getting Ms Teacher into a disguise so she can nab the book when Byland isn't looking. Personally if that is where this is going I think it'd be cool if Byland actually convinced her to let him make her a bimbo. He seems like the kind of guy who could have a silver tongue if he really tried.


My hope for this story: He gets a taste of his own medicine, preferably due to to his own mistake borne of the arrogance being displayed here, and all the women get restored.... But half of them decide they were happier as bimbos and go back to it.


Mmm, she looks good with some makeup.

Andy French

Hm, is it just the closeup, or is Bernice looking tighter up top?

Cole jones

Given that last panel I'm hoping then the bimbofication sequence will happen soon.


Its just the chibi face i hadent decided if I wanted it to stick on the toony face or not lol

Team Higher Power

Never meet up with someone who might be an evil wizard without a weapon.