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You wake up, A bit grogy and get out of bed, You feel....off?  Looking over your body you freak out and run to your mirror...... Step 1, Disbelieve.......Step 2.  Acceptence.




I agree, this is a very neat concept, you did an excellent job drawing this Kobi-chan! 😊❤️


Gender bend is so gooooooooood!


I rendered a piece similar to this not that long ago. Looks cute, though.


I'd love to have that reflection~

Daniel A Valadez

In all honesty, I would be in disbelief and then, I would accept my transformation!

Alexis Ortiz

This is truly a very touching concept Kobi 😍 and one were I wuld totes freeze entirely and then phone a family member saying "Your like NEVA gonna believe dis shite" 😂


I still love how there is so much life to your character's eyes.


Oh my God I love this so very very much! I love how the eyes don't actually change as if implying that this is something they always wanted or that they are cool with this. And how after comfortably accepting this body they're rewarded with bigger titties! This is simultaneously wholesome and so very satisfyingly hot!