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Now that Ive gotten to the end point of a chapter I'll do a big post like this so they are all easy to read togethor~ ^^    I hope you enjoy the story and event so far~  

Thank you for all the support on this project~



Phantom Sonic

This so cute and awesome chapter ^^


Wait does that mean it's going on break?


Gah I love it! Really well done! Story is cute and silly and I can't wait to see where you take it ^^


How could I NOT be enjoying this series! I eagerly look forward to it's continuation but I'm thankful your stopping when you need to! Though I can't help but wonder if you'll do another "bimbo OC" inclusion in the next chapter! Because that'd be a terrific way to save time and represent more people!~


Thank you~ I use the bimbo Oc incluson when I need so filler space thats what I use them for~ ^^ So its totally possible that more will come up~^^


So... huh. I think this guy Mr Buddy on Twitter ripped off your design for the Detective: https://twitter.com/MrShyGuyBuddy/status/1537575268214181889