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So looking at this piece I was going for a sassy alomost bitchy mood for this design like stuck up right. I also went for a more tame hairstyle than my super big hair that I test out~^^  i hope you enjoy her~



Ruby Doll

Ass with a side of Sass~


Such a hottey sassy bimbo


Very sexy sassy bimbo! 🥰😍


Appreciate that you're messing around with hand poses more. and love the look!


Bitchy TFs are great, love the outfit

Alexis Ortiz

What a luvely Sunday treat 😊 and her pretty sassy expression literally screams "Oh My Gawd thats soo....what-eva" vibes and I'm luving it hehe


I loveee her! Though I would like to see with the big hair too!


She's adorable! She looks more like "fine come here" then "no hugging until you get me those new shoooooooes" which isn't a bad thing! She's like a nice and calm sassy! I love it! Love the more subtle hair style and the choice of outfit to!~


Thank you~ Its funny I wasn't really planning on a sassy look until I was already working on her she really just turned out that way~ ^^


Hahaha~ Well this one was meant to have a more subtle hair style~ I do love my big hair though~ ^^