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I wanted to ask you all some more questions to help me aim future content in the right direction~  For this survey its what format you prefer to see more of comics or pin-ups



Transformations are *always* made better by comics to show the process and reaction imo. However, they're more work! So do whatever you feel and be careful of burnout!


As much as I like comics I fear seeing you burn yourself out or severely handicapping your ability to work quickly and not take as much advantage of the different events of the year so I have to vote for pin-ups even though if kill for more sequences and comics >~<


I did a Google Survey for feedback like this one time for my Patreon. I would recommend trying that if you wanted to dive into more questions and feedback at once instead of doing multiple poll posts. ;)

Matt R

If you want to avoid burnout, I'd be okay with more pinups. The comics like the Misty bimbo one are good


A good mix of the both would be best. Say if one comic page is taking too long, you can draw a pin-up in that time.


yes I feel very similar when ever I see Tf themes around myself~


I can understand that. But latley I felt more at ease maing the comic format it was the one of the resons I start the Test Dummy event. To get more used to comic making.


Yeah I suppose that would be a way to do it but Im a bit to spontaneous to get all my ideas down at once like that ,XP


The amount of you concerned with burnout is so very sweet and comforting thank you so much~ I will try not to get to such a point,


True but the pie charts man, you can set so many charts for stuff! XD


I liked the game corner comic. Like to see more of that. But some emphasis on butt expansion. Also with the totally spies girls.


Comics can be fun but typically the focus will be on one comic at a time and if a burnout comes from that then it could affect your ability to work on other stuff. Pinups allow for more variety much faster and you’ll probably be able to relax more

Michelle Reynolds

Do what is right for you. Quality over quantity for me, and preferably comic style imho. But really, content creators get burnout fast going outside what they are comfortable with making everyone happy. You do you and we will enjoy it! That's why we all joined up right? ❤ ^.^


Thank you very much for the kind words~ I'll keep doing my best~