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Its that time again hopefully little dum dums! Sign ups for this months test Dummy of the Month begin now!  And will be live till the 7th~  

Lets try and get some good Hallowween inspired inventions everyone!!




My invention idea is a hairdryer that tfs the user into a Frankestein's Bride 🖤


The Burly Bowtie - the kind of cheesy, clip-on bowtie men use when going in costumes as male strippers. Putting it on turns a man into a himbo when the full moon rises - a were-himbo, if you will. Perfect as arm candy while Kobi collects normal candy!


My invention idea is a magical jack-o-lantern stencil, anyone who uses this stencil on a pumpkin and begins to carve into said pumpkin will then become a life size pumpkin themselves


MegaNerd Munchies! Crisps that leave the consumer as the biggest nerd of all, complete with glasses, braces and a double headgear!

Ian baker

Maid for you: Have an unpleasant roommate who doesn't clean up, have a troublesome coworker who makes life harder for you, have a spouse who is overbearing? Then the Maid for you is what you need. Thanks to state of the art tf technology that comes in a variety of forms including necklaces, wristbands, and glasses, you can turn the bane of your existence into a blessing. Just have your victim put on one of our products and POOF they become an obedient and sexy maid who's only thought is how to make you happy. Works on both men and woman and call now and we'll give you a double set for the same price as one! Maid for you: it's maid to make you happy!


Pokeballs that you can throw at people, changing them into pokemon of your choosing. Shortly after that, they're drawn into the ball, captured & put under the command of the person that threw the ball.


my idea is the cutie costume box when opened gives the person not only an adorable costume but the appearance of a cute little child.


Are you tired of the buzz and fuss of the city? Of so many people rushing around to get somewhere? Perhaps the wife never has time for anything but work? Or a friend never wants to sit still long enough to catch up? Or a co-worker makes you look bad with their jittery caffeine fueled antics? Then you need Stiff Slut Screws! The Stiff Slut Screws are a simple little article put on much like those arrows through the head! Simply put it on your local busy body's neck, and presto! Seams will appear over their body, reminiscent of Frankenstein's Monster! A wide silly grin with cross their face and their eyes will lose all focus on what they were doing! Allowing you to finally get them to slow down and catch up or spend time with you!~ The secret is the electricity flowing through the screws, which makes their nervous systems go haywire with pleasure and a inability to move~ Never have to flag someone down or make time for them instead of the other way ever again! Order yours today! Warning: We are not responsible for you using the Screws for to long rendering them a electrified smiling statue ready to receive pleasure and look pretty~ Use Stiff Slut Screws responsibly especially during Halloween! All sales are final. No refunds will be given.

Daniel Barrett

Behold the stepford monster maker. Put somone in and they turn into a monster version of a stepford wife. Warning. Side effects may include the victim making more monster wives from you and anyone else.

Ruby Doll

VentriloVest: Do you ever have trouble speaking in public? Are you shy? Do your nerves get the better of you in social situations? Introducing the VentriloVest! With this one size fits all vest, you can let someone else do the talking for you! Simply put the Vest on and the nanites with instantly begin to transform you into a cute Ventriloquist Dummy of yourself, complete with a comfortable hole in your back and easy to use controls on the inside so anyone can pick you up and have you be the center of attention at any get together or party! Get the Witch Edition Now!

Ruby Doll

Insta-Decoration Pump! Having trouble finding a good decoration for your front Yard this Halloween? Have no fear! With this new Device you can instantly turn anything into a big inflatable decoration! Simply say what type of inflatable decoration you want and the pump will find the closest material it make the inflatable out of!

Playlist Party

The Magic Mirror: Want a free roommate of your choice but can’t find someone to match your want? Introducing the Magic Mirror! Our nifty little machine hides as a body mirror. Once activated with your personalized code word, the Magic Mirror will turn on the hypnotic spiral, and the robotic arms will hold the subject in place until they are fully hypnotized! Once suggestible you can select how you want them hypnotized! Want a silly clown to entertain you on those bad days and make your place a brighter? Want a simple stepford wife to make you your favorite meal by the time you get home and tidy up the place? Sissies, bimbos, mimes, the list goes on! Or do you want to be hypnotized for private time or you live alone? With our custom timer and task or limiter programming you can make your hypnosis activate in certain scenarios or last only an hour! Come get a Magic Mirror today! So good at hypnosis you’ll think it’s Magic!


Bimbo Baby Bomb: When you pull the pin on this bright pink grenade and throw it at someone it explodes in a giant puff of pink and white smoke around them. When it settles it reveals they have been transformed into a complete bimbo, giant breasts, thick thighs, skinny waist, long bleached hair, blank eyes, and tons of makeup. But along with this, the hair is pulled into poofy pigtails, a pacifier stuck in their mouth, a bib covering their chest, and a giant cushy pink diaper around their waist. Hope it doesn't discharge too early and blows up in your face. 😬

Ditzii Julie

The Haunty blanket~ It's spoopy month~ Naturally you want a nice costume for the fun to start. Sadly it seems you are out of budget. All you have is this old weird blanket from your great great grandmother. As you cut holes in it and pull it over your head, you find yourself becoming see through. The blanket merging with your body, your feet disappearing in a floating tail. Your skin see through and pail, black bangs covering your eyes. A gothic like outfit appearing on you. Did you just become an actual goth ghost.. Yes you did! Happy halloween~ Spook around as the goth ghost girl you now are! But beware don't get to gloomy~


Its Halloween and your looking for decorations you come across a rubber sarcophagus unfortunately its cursed and the moment you touch it your sucked into it soon your image is formed on the front of it with a nice perma smile.

Emmitt Cleveland

The other day at work we got some ‘Kobi’ brand air fryers in and I was chuckling to myself about you making appliances. But what if you did? ‘Kobi’ brand miniature ovens are guaranteed to turn any users into picture perfect housewifes or your money back!