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Its that time again hopefully little dum dums! Sign ups for this months test Dummy of the Month begin now!  And will be live till the 7th~  I hope to see some good inventions you flunkies! Hahaha~




Bimbo bubblegum: When chewed upon, the victim's body eventually becomes a big busomed girl with really long blond hair. Side effects include dittziness, wearing skimpy outfits and mild hypnosis


Introducing, the Pheromone Magic Wand! This special device is a magic wand with a heart at the end, and is short, the kind a magical girl uses! When the user picks it up, they are transformed into a super top and bottom heavy magical girl with a very strong pheromone scent. This wand is a permanent equip, that makes guys and girls be even more attracted to you, and ridiculous villains and scenarios to come your way! Here is some more info that is a bit less necessary: -You are able to transform back to your normal self. Doing so, you will lower the pheromone scent, however it's still present -The wand is a permanent equip, and will remain in your magical inventory, able to be summoned into your hand with magic

Ruby Doll

VentriloVest: Do you ever have trouble speaking in public? Are you shy? Do your nerves get the better of you in social situations? Introducing the VentriloVest! With this one size fits all vest, you can let someone else do the talking for you! Simply put the Vest on and the nanites with instantly begin to transform you into a cute Ventriloquist Dummy of yourself, complete with a comfortable hole in your back and easy to use controls on the inside so anyone can pick you up and have you be the center of attention at any get together or party!


Have you ever accidentally been turned into a virtual pet app? Well now you can let your favorite person have them with you 24/7 on the phone! They can even use the coinshop to changes clothes or even customize your features! This does take up quite a bit of phone space. Hopefully your host of choice doesn't delete you~


Figurine stand- A circular disk that when stepped on will transform the person into a figurine and will shrink them to a smaller size. It will force the person to take a nice battle pose.


Sissi Shorts: Want to get in touch with your feminine side? or want to know what it feels like to have a nice crotch bulge? Well look no further than our Sissi Shorts, these comfy latex hot pink and blue rubber shorts will give you the ideal Sissi body complete with nice thick hips and a lovely round crotch bulge to keep you nice and on edge. Warning: four in every five wearers experience side effects that include: Perma bulge, inability to remove the shorts, desire to wear matching clothing products, desire to get others to wear the same shorts and a need to serve the first strong-willed individual they meet


Pokeballs that you can throw at people, changing them into pokemon of your choosing. Shortly after that, they're drawn into the ball, captured & under the command of the person that threw the ball.


Introducing the Geras Gear Dress! Simply put this on and turn it a couple of times~ With each turn you will become more and more free of the stresses of life~ And given a new simpler outlook, with fewer concerns and needs. Warning: do not wear in places or weather including high humidity, side effects may include; overworking of the nanites in the dress causing total and full robotization done as an emergency to remove the dress and it's wearer from the environment as quickly as possible. Geras Fantastical Life Enhancers Incorporated is not responsible for use of the dress in such conditions or the consequences experienced as a result.

Agent Eckswhy

Summer Shades: The ultimate in summer relaxation! Simply slip the shades on, and enjoy the sun and sand like you were at Miami! (Note: prolonged exposure would result in stiffness, forced smiles, flexible joints and the urge to be displayed on a shelf like a knick-knack)


The hypnodrone: At the simple push of a button, a specialised drone is summoned to your location. This drone, using its exclusive patented technology will scan your brain waves and change you into the exact mindset and apperance you need in a moments notice.... going to a fancy dinner, a sports event or just lazing around the home... Look no further than the hypnodrone Warning: hypnodrone technology is experimental, side effects may include but not limited to... Permenant mind alteration, Gender changes and appearance, minor loss of appetite


Book of desires: This book comes in many forms. And in keeping with current trends appears a lovely tablet. And while the prototype was intended to bring about the book one desires most... it's still in alpha testing. Warning(to be updated): Reading this book will GIVE you your desires against what you wanted. May cause Air headedness, breast growth, and like, a LOVE FOR CUTE CLOTHES! This book is totes the bestest~~

Daniel Barrett

The ojou tiara: need to get ready for a fancy party, then look no further than the ojou crown. Just place it on your head, and you will have a beautiful hairstyle with ojou curls, fancy makeup and a beautiful gown and hand fan. Warning: Side Effects include looking down at poor people, a snooty attitude and ojousama laugh.


Sissy bubbles; Bubbles that, when blown, slowly transform the blower into a beautiful sissy girl. Their mind slowly starting thinking that they need to blow more bubbles and continues until the user is 100% sissified (warning: sissification results may vary based on users ideal woman and kinks)


Soap of Mind Cleaning: This bottle of pleasant smelling fruit soap is an expert cleaning against, even able to clean off magical stains and other effects, such as Soverign Glue. Cursed Item: This soap carries a curse. Whenever you clean things in the world like stains, it will slowly scrub the user’s mind clean and leave them a ditzy version of themselves, with a propensity for cooking, cleaning, and other household chores.


The Milker Maker: It's quite simple really! Just feed the cow of your choice this special mush and they'll start making milk like no tomorrow! Hmm? Effects on humans? Let's just say they'll be a lot less human if they eat this!

Ditzii Julie

Tired of life, Living like a single dork? No girlfriend in sight.. Just simply take your switch out and play this new designed game.. But beware and take caution it may change your life~ Introducing a normal piece of gaming tech called the Switch, combined with our new dating sim that will give you a new experience. Developed by an "Evil" Scientist. Play now the Switcha-Gyaru! Your life will forever be different~ Warning; User will be sucked into the screen and turned into the perfect gyaru girlfriend, you shall never have a boring life again. In this dating sim game you will meet lots of hawt guys, Experience a brilliant school life as your IQ is that of a basic bimbo gal~ Who doesn't want a virtual Gyaru girlfriend? Play the Switcha-Gyaru today and quite literally have your life be switched upside down~ heart


The Pooltoy Soaker: Just fill the water gun with a special "soap", then wet your friends to instantly transform them into a pooltoy. Each soap has a different brand. Pokemon, Digimon, Anime, cartoon, and aquarium are the starting ones with more being created each month. Made possible by the lab team of Kobi and Emie.


The Bubble Butt Boombox: Tired of that flat bottom? Want a real badonk that can't be knocked? Then simply give the Bubble Butt Boombox a whirl! Every boombox comes complete with a workout mix that'll have you up on your feet and (t)working out until you have the best bottom you can! Side Effects May Include: Spontaneous butt expansion, brainwashing, IQ Drain, compulsion to twerk, obsession with twerking, sudden clothing change into a clubber girl.

Desire Designer

Drone Maid Suit: You tire yourself out all day at work. Day in, day out, and by the time you get home, your house is a mess. You just spent all that time and energy out and about though, how do you expect to have the time to clean that up? Now, with our patented drone maid suit, you don’t need to worry. Just turn on your alarm, put the suit on, and presto. Now you can get that cleaning done, literally in your sleep, as it hijacks your body to get things done. (Warning, may trap users inside forever when wet)